יום ראשון, 30 בספטמבר 2012

What is happiness

Happiness - is when all desires fulfilled. And since man is by nature imperfect, and his desire is not always correspond to the basic principles of morality, ethics and justice. Most likely, this is why is there so few happy people.
For the enlightenment concept of happiness does not have to go far, anyone will be able to describe in detail it. If a detailed analysis of a set of responses, with some certainty we can say that happiness for a person comes to the execution of his wishes.
So what are the desire to direct the humanity?
Conventionally, they can be divided into biological and spiritual. One was the need for adequate nutrition, warmth, satisfaction of sexual desire. The latter have a broader range and depend on education, training and social status of a person.
For example, I wish you a lot of money, and the work I do not. This means that, for the fulfillment of this desire I will steal, rob, ie achieve their goals by other underdog.
It is important to understand that because of the imperfections of the human being does not prevent the possibility of the fulfillment of all his wishes.
That is why there is a higher law (God, Allah, Buddha), who through luck, providence, etc. counterbalances all human desires and allows to execute only those that have a good or is necessary for the fulfillment of any other, more important goals.
Thus, it appears that the performance of their desire to be a righteous man, to keep the laws of the universe and carry out his main mission - to create the world around them better and kinder.

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