יום ראשון, 30 בספטמבר 2012

The energy of the moon phases

Feeding by lunar phases, can support your weight on one level and choose the right time for dieting and fasting days.
Changing phases of the moon have different effects on the digestion of man, his appetite and extent of digestion by the body. Because your diet is necessary to coordinate with the lunar phases. This will help support the weight of the same level.
New Moon.
This is the most favorable period for the days of discharge, based on the use of herbal tea. It is best at this time to digest foods rich in proteins. Therefore should be preferred lean fish, meat, dairy products (cheese and sour cream).
Waxing Crescent.
With the increase of the moon increases appetite. Therefore, at this time is to control your gastronomic predilections, strictly follow the required calorie intake. The diet including plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits. Minimize the use of salt and salty foods. Allowed to eat chicken and turkey meat.
Full Moon.
During this period, the diet should prevail food that contains carbohydrates. It should give preference to cereals (rice, buckwheat, barley). Will be useful for the organism cultured milk products, fresh fruits and vegetables. But from fatty foods and smoked should be abandoned.
Waning moon.
This lunar phase is the most favorable to go on a diet. During this period, activation of metabolic processes in the body are derived metabolites, toxins. Enhance the effectiveness of the diet can, engaging in fitness or swimming. Refuse is from sweets and bakery products. Permitted the eating of pastry flour.
Picking a diet, depending on the lunar phase, by selecting the time for dieting and fasting days, you can effectively lose weight and keep it off at the right level.
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