יום ראשון, 30 בספטמבר 2012

Hysteria - 2012

Generally apocalyptic expectations, apparently, with the beginning of time inherent in humanity. Imperfect world is always too many were not satisfied, and that's lived with the hope that it will collapse, burying the rubble of their evil, and which was the Savior of all well done and beautiful. Date of "end of the world" by someone appointed and successfully drowned in a series of other, less significant dates, and life went on. The hardships do not disappear, but the proponents of the eschatological hysteria had a profit. Another hysteria tied to the date of 21.12.2012 began to gain momentum in the late twentieth century. 1999 and 2000 is also declared by the very sacred dates, too hysterical to untwist some of the media and the Internet, to quote Nostradamus (remember the "Great King of Terror", forced to come down from heaven?) And other prophets. But then all the limited impact on the individuals and the ecstatic hysteria was pronounced "yellow" color. But from the year 2012 all the more significant. First, the subject began to actively develop serious media players. Doroguschie shot feature films and documentaries, output and so far the biggest TV shows on TV channels, including government. Secondly, something like that, apparently by accident, it turns out that it was in 2012 a systemic crisis of civilization came to the finish line.Today anyone would kick the stupid powers that are not able to do anything to bring humanity out of the crisis. Stupid bankers missed coming financial disaster and stupidly wallow in trillion debt. Dull finance ministers have already started trying to revive the decaying corpse of the world economy. Stupid presidents, along with blunt premiers try to contain the sprawling fabric state. In this clever bloggers and not less intelligent opposition vying offer recipes for salvation, but nobody listens to them, and the situation continues to deteriorate. World hurtling into the abyss! And seeing it is all but a dull world elite ...Back to the beginning of the article. Hysteria - 2012 solves several tasks:1. Requires strong enough to scare the inhabitants, so that they are ready not only to big changes, and to radical, global change. Only when it would be a cruel choice between imminent death and strict rules of life, the people will make it possible to save himself (once again fool).2. , Prepare a ground for the emergence of a potential savior. You can not have a character called rejection. At the same time, it must be very different from the people for the sake of a dense forest of authenticity.3. Pumped system crisis makes it impossible for the system. Do not be influenced by the media people understand that and are willing to take painful decisions of the elite, without being privy to the staged nature of the situation. Yes, very dubious history - think pragmatists - but out all the same there, so let it be ever so.4. Heated eschatological expectations of religious communities allow subsequent removal of all religions and doctrines. In fact, because nowhere is it written that can not be the savior of an alien? So here's a creative development of religious thought, with the rejection of the established dogma.Working on these tasks, all the structures subordinated elite - the media, bankers, some governments, armed forces, and academics. See for yourself, on all channels stream of transmission, which is not simply assumed, and directly stated that the aliens have. Provides numerous photo and video evidence, witness statements, the findings of scientists. Moreover, they even "found" kind of aliens. Here, however, there are some differences, but the palm hold Reptilians. Already well established formal structures for interaction with extraterrestrial intelligence. For example, the newly established UN committee. (!) At the same time the financial tycoons aggressively facing the global economy into the abyss, concerned only that she collapsed at a certain time. Devoted to government are also preparing to dismantle their state bargaining pieces themselves fatter.To be fair to say that it is quite possible and the option with these aliens. Suppose, for many years the earth's elite in contact with the real representatives of extraterrestrial intelligence, and developed the script with their direct participation. In this case, do not have to invent and adjust miracles, which, of course, is a big plus. In the rest - no difference. There are aliens or not, it does not matter as long as it was visible.Fantasize a bit, as there will be a savior phenomenon Reptilians people. First entourage: the global collapse of the world economy, large-scale civil unrest in all countries, the chaos in the Muslim world, a nuclear strike. Most countries on the brink of destruction. Government forces opened fire to kill, not to disperse peaceful demonstrations. Riots and looting. Hunger and disease. And then the media sphere explodes sensationalized reporting of the arrival of the newcomers. World freezes in anticipation. Which were the "saviors" to engage the attention for a long time. Cease demonstrations and riots. Before mankind unfolds grand performance, full of "miracles," and information. Finally see a real thirst for saving way out of the impasse. Brothers in Mind generously share the secrets of the origin of the universe offered by scientific and technological secrets, learn the rules of dorm space. And, of course, promise incredible opportunities in the future. They appoint a world government, which is under their strict guidance to lead mankind to the light. Hallelujah. Curtain.By the way, the aliens may not be good. In this case, the elite will be rallying cries of humanity alien threat, the space attack. In principle, it is not important whether the "savior" for good or evil. Importantly, it is personified a foreign, non-systemic effect, under the influence of which humans are forced to become one. After all, for "siriusyanina" for example, there is no difference, a citizen of what country is the Earthman. And again "mantra": only running a single planetary government mankind will be able to escape, to find the future and become a player in the galactic field.Thus ended a fairly long period of "World Traders' and begin construction of the" Rulers of the World. "Option will be implemented fully meet the system requirements of the people of EC. In previous articles, it was called "materialistic." I recall that as possible "idealistic" and "human" versions. The first involves the appearance of the most interesting moment of the Savior, and the second - the most unlikely - will be implemented in the case of education in society vysokorazumnogo stratum EDM (Stage Work of the World) with EDM-3 man at the helm.You say fantasy? We'll see. So, anyway, but wait for something long gone.

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