יום ראשון, 30 בספטמבר 2012

Preferences of green and red colors in life

The character of a person can find out if you know his color preferences in red and green.
Some like red, green and someone. This is because the human subconscious is closely associated with another color. Therefore, the nature of man can be found, knowing his color preferences. Consider the green and red.
If a person loves green, this indicates its desire for independence, despite the difficult situation. Such a person overcomes all obstacles to achieve their goals because of the inherent flexibility of mind. He enthusiastically makes impression on others and wants his opinion was the main thing. This man wants to be the best in all others. He worries about his health, is constantly trying to improve their quality of life, strive to live a happy and long.
If a person denies the green color, it will face a loss in the event of stress. Having lost faith in himself, a man begins to blame others for all his problems. This person is not in a position to make important decisions for the way out of the situation than just exacerbates their situation.
If a man loves the color red, he is energetic. He wants to enjoy all that it does. Such people seek to live your life to the maximum. Activity of the person taking a course to achieve success in life. Red means the will to win and the desire to have a rich life experience.
If a person is denied the red, it rejects any activity. Such a person has not got the energy to overcome the troubles in life. It belongs to the people around him with danger. Red for him the symbol of danger, not activity. These people are very often overreach and are on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

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