יום שבת, 29 בספטמבר 2012

The Day of Judgment, if it had known when he comes

This week on National Geographic Channel premiered the show "Waiting for the end of the world." In anticipation of its sociologists research company GfK found that inspires the greatest fear people of different European countries, and how they spent their last days on the eve of a global catastrophe.
Citizens of the Mediterranean combined fear of economic collapse. And the Russians and the British - the threat of terrorism.
Obviously, keeping in mind that in times manifested the deepest character traits, experts GfK survey participants were asked a hypothetical situation of a global catastrophe, which they know in advance, and were asked to share their ideas on how they spent their last days on earth.

Bread and sex

Most Europeans admitted that would try to change their way of life before the end of the world, and if I managed to survive it, then half the inhabitants of the Old World would deal with agriculture, growing their own food. Even on the apocalyptic fantasy imprinted immediate problems. And it seems that one of the key for a quarter of respondents favored a strict control of the diet. In any case, 25.9% of Europeans said they were on the eve of the Day of Judgment would have everything you want. A 24.9% would try to enjoy plenty of sexual pleasure.

In the distant road 

Known for their fatalism Russians also have changed their way of life. But our countrymen seem to lack primarily in changing places and talking with friends, rather than in the deli or sensual pleasures. Most Russians would prefer to travel and spend more time with his family. If we consider that, according to "Levada Center," only about 10% of Russian citizens have ever traveled abroad, you understand this apocalyptic weakness to wandering easy.

Unemployment cataclysms
 In their daily fears of our fellow citizens, too different from Europeans. If the first among their phobias is loss of work (37%), while the second - 29% - the threat of a global economic collapse, the Russians are most afraid of natural disasters (85.7% in rural areas and 59% of urban dwellers) and terrorism (30%). According to this index the results close to the Russian showed Britain, Turkey and the once tranquil Norway.

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