יום שבת, 29 בספטמבר 2012

Fanaticism is not compatible with the Ascension


Those souls who are deeply immersed in their religious beliefs, will be among the last to accept the truth. This issue has been provided, and the relevant teachers relied on their faith to return to explain what was their true message. Over time, his interpretation was deliberately changed to give more power and control in the hands of the rulers, to the extent that the true meaning was unclear. Our presence and your understanding of our service to you has helped you to realize that your evolution can be reached a point where you can go inside yourself to find the truth. This of course does not mean that you should not communicate with others, because there is always useful to consider other points of view.
We have already set up their beliefs as world-view, which we adhere to, and it emphasizes our place of service to others in the universe. At our level of vibration can be only the truth, and that is where you will soon pass. So we ask you to be open to new ideas, which in general are based on the unity of all things. The whole problem of our civilization is that you become so fragmented and shattered into many groups, that you find it hard to know what to believe. Moreover, it has caused so much conflict among you to prove who is right and who is wrong.
On Earth, tolerance is not in abundance, and this is due to the actions of those who are trying to hold on to their power, whether in religion or in politics. We advise you to accept the fact that other souls do not have to be on your level of understanding, and realize that over time will evolve its own pace. No one should be pursued because of their faith, and it is also impossible to impose on others. Period through which you pass, shows how much you depend on each other, and sometimes it takes adversity for your association.
People understand that the class distinction, based on wealth and education, support division, and that everyone should have equal opportunities. Some come from dysfunctional families, and this is something that will be fixed with the changes. Everyone will be treated equally, they are in the eyes of God, no matter what kind of karma they carry. Verily, in this end of the times, many of you will go through everything you need to clean it. Much of this relates to the relationship with each other, and thus absorbed some hard lessons. Small classes can be deleted when it is obvious that your consciousness levels have risen enough.
When you ascend, everything will be completely different than what you are experiencing in your current measurement. Difficulties and conflicts with which you usually encounter, will no longer exist, because there is complete harmony and cooperation, and all help each other for the common good. You will meet your guides and angelic beings who have been with you from life to life. You will have advanced levels of consciousness that will give you a greater understanding of all things, and you really become a Galactic Being. Your civilization is already a member of the Federation of Light, and places await those who wish to join us.
Look forward to a fantastic life, which frees you from the darkness, to accompany you on your journey through the current measurement. You did the trick, and it's time to leave the cycle of rebirth, through which you pass. In the future you will just change the body as you see fit, for aging and death will no longer be part of your experience. As you no doubt know, you'll also live hundreds of years of your time, but not growing old with, and supporting the body in top condition. You will have plenty of time to practice all that your heart desires, and in contrast to the Earth, you will not need money for that, because they will have no need.
Much of what you see as an integral part of your life now, will no longer need, and just how you dispose of your material things, the same way they would return to power without cost. Over time, you will have your personal vehicle, but you will join others to make inter-dimensional journey through the depths of space. You call these big ships parent, and some of them are entire cities. You can travel in one of them for years, and your needs will always be met. They are completely self-contained and use the free energy, located all around them. In such circumstances, life is far from boring, and you will always have new experiences while traveling into the unknown.
You'll notice that when we meet with your people, they mentioned our whole clothes, lying close to the body. This is due to the fact that it has been materialized and is literally our second skin, repeating every curve of the body. Unlike you, when we travel, we do not need to bring a suitcase full of necessities. In this respect, our needs are very limited, as we do not need to perform everyday activities such as shaving or other needs of the body. You will have a lot to learn when you start your new life, but they are not as complex as life on Earth. Life in the higher dimensions delivers continuous joy and satisfaction in every respect.

When you feel out of sorts, just remember, what future awaits you, and the indescribable recovery, which will begin a new chapter in your evolution. The pain and suffering that you have experienced, will pass, and those memories will eventually go back in time to the final oblivion. So keep your eyes on the future, rather than on what was, and do not let negative thoughts distract you. Whatever fears may arise from the news or speculation about your future, all this will be short-lived. As long as the dark forces are not eliminated, they will try to hinder your progress, believing that somehow they will succeed. They learn that they still have very little power, and they can not return to their previous level of control.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and I bring to you the best wishes of the Galactic Federation, and the successful completion of your lives. You have worked hard to achieve this, and you deserve to experience the most amazing ascension.

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