יום שבת, 29 בספטמבר 2012

The Little Soul and the Sun

But before walking through the streets naked. This, of course, did not like the people, and no one let her into his house. Once, when the sad truth roamed the streets, she met Parable dressed in beautiful clothes, to please the eye. Parable asked the Truth:- Why do you go through the streets naked and so sad?The truth is sad her head and said:- My sister, I sank lower and lower. I am old and unhappy, so people are moving away from me.- It can not be, - said parable - that people are moving away from you because you're old. I too do not younger than you, but the older you get, the more of me find. I'll tell you a secret: people do not like simple, open things. They prefer things to be a little hidden and glossed over. I let you borrow some of their beautiful dresses, and you will soon see how the people will love you.Truth took advice Proverbs and dressed in her beautiful dress. And then a miracle - since that day no one was running away from it, and it was received with joy, and with a smile. Since then, the Truth and Parable to separate.

The Little Soul and the Sun (Neale Donald Walsch)

Once upon a time, one was out of Little Soul, who once said to God:- I know who I am!- Remarkable - God answered - and who are you?And the Little Soul shouted,- I am the Light!God smiled a big smile and said,- That's right! You are the Light!Little Soul was so happy, because I realized that sooner or later realize all the souls in the kingdom of God.- Wow, - said the Little Soul, - and this is really cool!But soon she was not enough knowledge of who she is. Little Soul felt it begins a new whirlwind of desire. Now she wanted to be what it was. Then the Little Soul went back to God (which in itself is not a bad idea for all souls who want to be Who They Really Are) and said,- Hey, God! Now that I know Who I am, is it okay for me to be it?And God said:- Do you mean that you want to be Who You Already Are?- You see, - said the Little Soul, - one thing to know Who I Am, and another thing altogether to actually be it. I want to feel and experience what it's like to be the Light!- But you already are the light - God repeated, smiling again.- Yes, but I want to know what that feels like! - Cried the Little Soul.- Well, - said God with a chuckle, - I would have to guess about it. You always been a sense of adventure - but then God's expression changed - only here, is there one thing ...- What is this thing? - Asked the Little Soul.- There is nothing else but the Light. You see, I created nothing but what you are; turns out that a simple way to know yourself as Who You Are, you have not seen. You see, there is nothing that you were not.- Uh ... - said the Little Soul, who was now a little confused.- Think of it this way - God said, - You are like a candle in the sun. You shine with millions and trillions trilliardami other candles who make up the Sun. And the sun will not be the Sun without you. It would try to become the sun without one of its candles ... it would not have been able to be normal by the Sun, because would not shine as brightly. And that is the problem, how to know yourself as the Light when you are in the heart of the Light? Wow task?- Well, you're God - narrowed Little Soul - Think of something!Then God smiled again and said:- I already have. As long as you do not see yourself as the Light when you are in the Light, we'll surround you with darkness.- What is darkness? - Little Soul asked.- It's something you're not, - said God.- And I have to be scared of the dark? - Cried the Little Soul.- Only if you choose frightened - God answered - in fact, there is nothing to be afraid of what it cost. And only if you decide that there is, you will be afraid. You see, we're still making it all up. We pretend.- Oh, - said the Little Soul, and then immediately felt much better.Then God explained that, in order to experience the sensations, or feel anything at all, there should be the opposite. Or, in other words, if you want to feel something - you were born the appearance of something opposite.- And this is a great gift - God said - because without it you would not be able to learn anything or feel. You can not know what the heat without cold, top without Down, Fast without Slow. You could never know what the Left without Right, Here without There, Now without Then.Thus, - continued God - when you are surrounded by darkness, nor offered a fist to the sky and not to bring their voice to a shout, and curse the darkness. Rather be a Light unto the darkness, and do not be mad about it. Then you will know and Who You Really Are, and all others will feel it as well. Let your Light shine so bright that everything and everyone will be able to find out how you extraordinary!- Are you saying that it's okay - let others see how much I unusual? - Asked the Little Soul.- Of course! - God chuckled - it is a very fine! But remember that the "extraordinary" does not mean "better." Everyone is unusual and special in their! However, many have forgotten about it. And they understand that this is normal - to be special and unusual, but when you see that it is in order for you - to be special.- Wow, - said the Little Soul, began to dance, laugh and jump for joy - I can be as special and extraordinary, as I want!- Yes, and you can start right now - said God, who was dancing and skipping and laughing along with the Little Soul - What part of special and unusual you want to be?- As it is, what part of the special and unusual? - Little Soul repeated - I do not understand.- I understand - God began - to be the Light - being special, and being special in a lot of parts. Be kind - it means to be special. Be gentle - it means to be special. It is special - as it is to be creative, inventive. Be patient - it is also meant to be special. Can you think of any other ways to be special?Little Soul sat in silence.- I can think of lots of ways to be special! - She said at last, - Be supportive - being special. Be given - it to be special. To be special - to be friendly. And be careful - it is also meant to be special.- Yes! - Agreed to God - and you can be all of these, or any part of special you wish at any time. This is what it means to be the Light.- I know what I want to be, I know what I want to be! - Happily Little Soul announced - I want to be the part of special called 'forgiving'. It is true after all, that to be forgiving - it means to be special?- Oh, yes, - said God with confidence - this is very special.- Well, - said the Little Soul, - that is what I want to be. I want to be forgiving. I want to know myself as that.- Well, - said God - but there is one thing that you should know.Little Soul was becoming a bit impatient. Now it seemed that at every step of her some complication.- What is it? - She said with a sigh.- There is no one who can be forgiven.- No one? - She could hardly believe what I just heard.- No one! - God answered. - All that I created - perfect. There is not a soul in all that I have made, which is less perfect than you. Look.It was then that the Little Soul realized that around a large crowd of other souls. These souls have gathered from afar and from anywhere and from different parts of the kingdom, because everyone knew that the Little Soul was having this extraordinary conversation with God, and everything and everyone wanted to know what was going on.Looking at the countless other souls gathered, the Little Soul had to agree. None of the shower appeared less wonderful, less magnificent, or less perfect than itself. It was so amazing, and so bright was the light from the assembled shower that Little Soul had to squint a little bit to look at them.- So who is to forgive? - God asked.- Mmm, yes, - said the Little Soul - have fun, do not seem to be possible. And I wanted to know myself as One Who Forgives. I wanted to know how it feels when you're such a special one.And the Little Soul to think about what it would feel like when you're sad. But that was when she was approached by a Friendly Soul.- Do not worry, Little Soul - Friendly Soul said, - I'll help you.- Really? - The Little Soul - but what can you do about it?- Nothing - I just will make you someone you forgive!- You still can?- Of course! - Smiled the Friendly Soul, - in his next birth in the next life I will do something for which you can forgive me.- But why? Why would you suddenly do this? - Little Soul asked - you utter perfection! You, who vibrate with such a speed that it creates a Light so bright that it is hard to look at you! What could cause you to want to lower your vibration that your bright Light would become dark and dense? What could be the reason that you, who are so light you that dances with the stars and move through the Kingdom with the speed of thought, to come into my life and make yourself so heavy that you could do something bad?- The answer is very simple - the Friendly Soul said - I do it because I love you.Little Soul seemed surprised at the answer.- Do not be so amazed, - said the Friendly Soul, - you have done the same for me. Is it possible that you do not remember it? Oh, we so often have danced together, you and me. Over the eons and across the centuries we danced this dance with you. At all times and in many places we played together with you. We have both been All Of It. We have been the Up and the Down, Left and the Right. We already were here and there, now and then. We've already been All Of It. We were both men and women, good and bad, and we have both been the victims and villains.Thus have we come, many times before for each other, you and I, each bringing to the other the exact and perfect opportunity to Express and to know that Who We Really Are.- So - began to explain the Little Soul further - this time in the next life I will come as "bad." I will do something really terrible, and then you can experience yourself as the One Who Forgives.- But what do you do? - Little Soul asked, just a little nervously - that would be so terrible that you would do?- Oh, - said the Friendly Soul with a twinkle - we'll think of something.Then the Friendly Soul seemed somehow serious, and said in a low voice:- You know, the one you're definitely right.- What? - Little Soul wanted to know.- I will have to slow down my vibration and become very heavy to do this not-so-nice thing. I have to pretend to be something very unlike myself. And now I want to ask you one favors.- Yes, all that you want! All that you want! - Cried the Little Soul, and began to sing and dance - I will forgive! I will forgive! - Then the Little Soul saw that the Friendly Soul was remaining silent.- So what do you want? - Little Soul asked - What can I do for you? You're an angel to be willing to do it for me.- Well, of course this Friendly Soul is an angel! - God interrupted - Everyone is an angel. Always remember: I am sending you only the angels and no one but them.And the Little Soul wanted to do something with anticipation to meet the request of the Friendly Soul- So what can I do for you? - Asked again.- When I get to hit you and hurt you, - the Friendly Soul, - at the moment I do the worst to the fact that you can only imagine ... At this very moment ...- Yes? - Little Soul interrupted, - so what ...?Friendly Soul silently looked at the Little Soul, and then said:- Remember Who I Really Are.- Oh, of course! - Cried the Little Soul, - I promise! I will always remember you as I see you right here and now.- Well, - said the Friendly Soul, - because, you know what this is about: I will try very hard to pretend, and I probably will forget who I am really. And if you do not remember it, who I really am, I can forget about it for a very long time. And if I forget Who I am - you may even forget who you are and we will both be lost. Then we will need another soul to come along and remind us both of Who We Are.- No! We will not! - Little Soul promised again - I will remember who you are! And I will thank you for the gift that typrinesesh me - a chance to experience myself as Who I Am.And the agreement was made, and the Little Soul went forth into a new life, happy of what is light, which in itself was very special, and doubly happy because he will be the part of special called Forgiveness.And the Little Soul waited anxiously been given the opportunity to feel and know ourselves as Forgiveness, and to thank the toydushe that will make this possible.And in each new moment of this new life when a new soul appeared on the scene that this new soul brought to life Little Soul - joy or sorrow, and especially if it was a sad, Little Soul thought of what God said to her, :- Always remember - God is smiling - I always send you only the angels, and no one but them.

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