יום שישי, 28 בספטמבר 2012

Fly past Earth comet that would eclipse the Moon

Astronomers were able to discover a new comet, and it has a chance for a very effective fly past Solntsa.Ona can become so bright that even eclipse the moon.
Just beyond the orbit of Jupiter discovered "large" cometary body whose trajectory at the end of November 2013 may bring it very close to the Sun. The minimum distance is estimated to be 0.012 a. is, (1.8 million kilometers), according science.compulenta.ru.
Discovery is based on observations made in Russia with 16-inch (0.4-meter) reflector Santel International Scientific Optical Network (International Scientific Optical Network, ISON). Alan Boyle writes the blog Cosmic Log; after the discovery, astronomers have raised the old files and found them unseen images of the comet, and calculated its orbit.
The facility was designated C/2012 S1, but unofficially it is called a comet ISON (Comet ISON).
- At best, the comet is big, bright, - said Charles Bettems of supported NASA Sungrazer Comet Project. - When she approached the sun, its brightness can reach negative values. It will be visible to the naked eye in the Northern Hemisphere for at least a couple of months.
The guest blog Planetary Society astronomer Bill Gray said about the same thing, indicating that the comet's orbit ISON very limited, but what about its brightness at the approach to the Sun, we can only guess. It all depends on how and what material will "make" a comet. It could erupt sooner or later collapse long before the approach to the sun or to remain solid and after passing lights, giving very little of herself. But, despite all the uncertainties about the orbit, astronomers believe.
Rather, as in the case of the comet Elenin, there will be people who will argue that we are waiting for the apocalypse. According to Italian observatory Remantsakko, closer to our planet is expected in early January 2014, the distance - about 0.4 a. is (60 million kilometers).

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