יום שבת, 29 בספטמבר 2012

On the islands of Java and Kalimantan raging forest fires

In Central Java and East Kalimantan forest fires continue to rage due to an unusually intense and prolonged dry period. In three days the fire has destroyed more than 500 hectares of forest and nursery on the slopes of the lava. Drought and strong winds hampered firefighters cope with the fire, the magazine writes, "Jakarta Globe."On most of the affected fire area grow these types of trees such as pine, acacia and eucalyptus. Ash from the burning of trees and shrubs up houses. Local residents fear that they will have to evacuate.Travel routes on Mount Lava temporarily closed, villagers are asked to assist the authorities in putting out fires.In the east Kalimantan fire destroyed more than 1,500 hectares of forest. Firefighters and local residents are trying to not let the fire to the national park orchids Kersik Luwan. The airport in Melalan-Sendavare was forced to suspend its activities due to deteriorating visibility.

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