יום שישי, 28 בספטמבר 2012

Another world scientific

How does gravity ? Whereby bodies are attracted to each other? What is the mechanism of this action? In other words - what is the nature of gravity? Here we will talk about it seriously and reasonably ...
Existing scientific world has both advantages and disadvantages. The most significant limitation is the lack of physical ideas about the nature of gravity, the gravitational and inertial mass, and their equivalent - the rest energy. In general - such as energy, its primary source when a substance, its a certain amount in the nature. Scientific world as it starts in the middle, with no clear beginning or end. Much of it is taken a priori and is not discussed with the tacit consent of the scientific majority. This is especially true power of biological systems. And in daily practice can occur unanswered questions. Is it possible to "correct" our understanding that the amount of this uncertainty has decreased? It turns out - you can. Need only be honest, without bias, and references to scientific authorities to reconsider some of the theory. Let's try to do it in a short essay.
We start from the specific circumstances and facts. Let us consider them one by one, just arguing.
1. From the exact eksperimentovdostoverno known that the rate (or speed) time is not constant but can vary with the distance from the surface. If we compare the rate of time at the surface at a rate of time on a height of it, the land will be the slowest pace. In contrast, the higher the rise from the surface, the faster the pace of time. Obviously, on the surface rate is also not the same everywhere, but here we are talking about the average rate znacheniyah.Izmenenie time near a gravitating body and substantiates the theory also predicts.
2. If the rate of time increases with the distance from the surface, as we know from experience, the force of gravity, the gravitational potential is weakening. It is an indisputable fact. It is logical to expect that the distance from the surface of the planet at a distance, where the gravity of the planet had no effect, the rate will be the maximum time in relation to the rate of time poverhnosti.Ogranichimsya in this argument so far only local storage space. This will simplify the further conclusions.
3. With the removal, where there is almost no gravity, the planet (and any celestial body) can be represented as a heavy material point of having gravity. In this case, the gravitational force can be described as the central force vectors which intersect at the center of mass of the planet, at a single point. From this center can be linked origin of the Cartesian coordinate system, spreading their axes to the boundaries of the scope of the forces of gravity. Or, that does not change the fact, polar, cylindrical or any other coordinate system, sweep off the radius vector of some sferu.Ochevidno that, in general, this may not be a sphere, a triaxial ellipsoid.
4. The theory says, and practice it confirms that the speed of light is constant, otherwise - universal constant. A ray of light has no inertia, and the speed of light does not depend on the circumstances, conditions, manner and place of measurement. The speed of light remains constant in a laboratory on Earth, and in the laboratory, removed from its surface. Even at the edge of the considered local area the speed of light will have the same meaning as in a deep mine in the world.
5. Speed, as you know, is the ratio of distance traveled by the time of the motion along the path. In particular, the speed of light is just a fraction. Note, as the rules of arithmetic, if the numerator and denominator to increase or decrease at the same value, the value of the fraction does not change. Mentally multiply the numerator and denominator by the same value of k, without cutting ego.Kakoe would not matter k, the result will be the same. That is the result of dividing the numerical value will be permanent. Note that the seemingly trivial fact.
6. But we have just established that the rate of time is not constant! If several laboratories, and away from the planet's surface, measuring the speed of light have the same effect, it means unique: in proportion to the standard of the time change of the length of the way! Only under this condition, the speed of light, or rather, its numerical value may remain constant. In other words, if the standard of time increases (decreases) in time k, the k time increases (decreases) and the standard length of the space in the direction in which the measurement of the speed of light.
7. That means - increases (decreases) the standard? If our standard metric ruler meter long, then at any arbitrary point in space, this meter is a meter at all times. "Always" - for the researcher, who is on a benchmark at a given point. But for an observer located outside the local area and not exposed to the space of the body, it is not a fact. Remote (external to the local area, which for brevity we will call "local") observer, comparing the line in the center of Locale raznoudalennyh points in space, find the ratio of their length, the multiple coefficient k, which vary in time and the rate of the same points. So, if the standard of "stretched" in k times, then "stretched" (otherwise - slowed) and the rate of time at the same time k.
8. Actually, this fact distant observer should be attributed to the general properties and space and time, so that the speed of light is always the size of the resident. Now a distant observer is obliged to consider the position in space, considering the physical phenomena occurring within the locale. Inner same observer on these properties of space and time can not guess by the fact that within locales from point to point synchronously changing everything related to the measurement standards of length and time. He can do the usual ideas, acquired within the scope of the laboratory, where the change of standards is almost imperceptible. Thus, we arrive at the concept of relativity - about any other observer in question is internal or external to the region of space in which there is considered a physical phenomenon.
9. Thus, the speed of light in the terrestrial laboratory, where the lowest (most slow) rate of time corresponds to the most "pull" model the way. On the contrary, on the periphery of the frame of reference where the pace of acceleration, the standard will be the shortest. Recalling that the reference system is created by gravity, and that we associate with it a change of standards, we can conclude - properties and space and time depend on the gravitational potential within the frame. But the same should make a reservation - these properties at the point of the space depends on the direction in which the rate is determined, that is in itself a dimensionless point where the speed is not it - skalyarnayavelichina but vector - with the advent of the space length of the point.
10. If the inside of the sphere (ellipsoid), related to the reference system, the properties of space and time depend on the location and direction (from the gravitational potential), then inside a frame of reference for a distant observer space can not be isotropic! Such a space is anisotropic. Consequently, the system of reference can not be Cartesian, at a point which the spatial axes are constant scale and the corresponding constant rate of time and where the axes intersect at zero znachenii.Sobstvenno metric for such an observer can not only be Cartesian, but no other isotropic coordinate system.
11. Since the properties of space and time are linked to gravity, and correlate with it, then it is logical to expect that the standard space (standard time) will vary according to the same law to the gravitational potential, which has the dimension of the square of speed, with the gradient of the gravitational potential corresponding to the acceleration. In addition, by definition, the gravitational potential is the ratio of the potential energy of a particle placed in a gravitational field, the weight of the point. In accordance with the equivalence principle, the gravitational potential is independent of the mass of a particle and determines the gravitational potential of a constant gravitational field. We know from theory that the relative time dilation at a lower value of the gravitational potential than the time at the point with the higher value of the gravitational potential is equal to the difference between the gravitational potentials at these points, divided by the square of the speed of light. Note that this statement can be valid only if the change is proportional to both the reference: time and space, keeping the speed of light is constant in the different points of measurement capabilities.
12. Of theoretical mechanics we know that the trajectory of a particle in the gravitational field of central forces is the logarithmic spiral. Consequently, in the polar coordinate system point moving along the radius vector, will be moving at a speed proportional to the distance from the center. If the point starts to move from the periphery to the center, its velocity will fade away as you get closer to the center. If this point - is a quantum of light, moving with (numerically) constant rate, under this law will change the "standard" sections of the space and the corresponding passage of time. In other words, if the logarithmic spiral has a similarity transformation, which is called the turning tension, the radius vector has the property of spatial expansion (extension and temporal delay) towards the center of the frame. Center will not be the same "zero" point of the scale, and the asymptotic approach to zero.
13. We draw attention to this fact. It is crucial in the following arguments. Radius vector (the metric) within the frame of reference where there is gravitational potential varies as a logarithmic spiral. Measurement of the spatial interval (or reference) is proportional to the logarithm of the ratio of marked at the endpoints. And such a change occurs from any direction within the space of a polar coordinate system. If the isotropic Cartesian axes intersect at the point of "zero", the anisotropic logarithmic coordinates of this point is not! Coordinate axis (the radius vector) as it approaches the point of "zero" anxious to move closer, but can not do so. Can not cross. It turns out that for a distant observer Lokal has infinitely deep metacenter from what would not follow directions towards the center of the coordinate system. Moreover, not only metacenter infinitely deep, but with the pace of time tends to zero. If a distant observer Shots beam to the center of the locale, then the beam is always "drowned" in the depths of a core, without reaching its base. To a distant observer Lokal - is asymptotic "hole" in three-dimensional space, the pit with no final depth and volume, the spatial and temporal "singularity."
14. Based on the preconditions above, the following model can be related to the gravitational mass of matter: (1) the area around the gravitating mass is anisotropic, (2) changes in the properties of the space is a logarithmic law, and standards of space and time, "stretch" toward the center of the frame (3) the reference system is logarithmic, and (4) the asymptotic metacenter reference system is the "space-time gap" (or singular), in which any direction to the center of the space tends to the infinite extent and the rate of time - an endless slowdown. Infinity of space and the zero rate of time - is a mathematical abstraction of an external remote observer, but here we can not go into details. We restrict ourselves to such a view.
15. What are the first conclusions? Building on the model is singular, it can be argued that: (1) the core material gravitating mass stability compared with the matter outside by different rates of time, (2) the asymptotic depth core material has a hidden volume, the predominant amount of foreign matter (visible ) part. That is, in the view of an external observer gravitating body can be incomparably more massive than the sum veschestvatela yadra.Inache is speaking, the body may be in the bowels dark matter that is not available for the assessment, based only on its size and the expected average density.
16. For a constructive description of the gravitating body, which has an asymptotic kernel, it can be divided into components. Namely - gravitatsionnayamassa (as a body) has three distinctive entities: asymptotic kernel (singular) material substance shell immediately surrounding the nucleus (surface) near space extending beyond the shell and fill the volume of the reference frame, limited the scope of the gravity of the body ( Lok). Agreed to call the body of each material entity capable of gravitation, if it inherent features: internal singularity, external reality and the anisotropy of the surrounding prostranstva.Etim nazvannuyususchnost we separate from other material objects that do not have podobnymnaborom characteristics.
17. From the point of view of the experimenter, nahodyaschegosyav laboratory on the planet, space is isotropic, since the size of a small amount of laboratoriinesopostavimo scope of gravity. Within the common laboratory anisotropy of space and time is almost imperceptible. Can reliably assume that within a laboratory there Euclidean space and are unconditionally known physical laws. Such a laboratory can be located in any part of the body space. The results of physical experiments performed in it will be numerically equal to the force of the remaining laws. However, for udalennogonablyudatelya capable of comparing the results of these experiments, they may vary due to circumstances, not to feel the experimenters within their laboratories. If the experimenter (internal observer) of the reference laboratory to be true wherever the laboratory may be, then, for an external observer between them will not be full agreement. Moreover, for an external observer would be an obvious change in the dimension of space and time. As the distance from the periphery toward the center of the dimension will tend to one dimension by stretching the standard of length along the radius vector. At the same time, the dimension of time will increasingly depend on the direction of acquiring pronounced three-dimensional: along the radius vector in the direction orthogonal to it. Actually, the three-dimensional space and time always, but this fact does not significantly (almost imperceptibly) within the laboratory. Moreover, the remote observer can distinguish not only the discrete dimension of the space (three-dimensional, one-dimensional), and their intermediate values, when he sees the space bodies (local), structurally embedded into each other. Moreover, by observing and comparing the speed of separate spaces, may produce negative values ​​of spatial dimensions (we shall not discuss the method for determining the dimension of the space).
18. When it comes to stretching the standards of space and time, it is at odds with our school representation of absolute space, which is described by Newton. No, the space does not run away from us uniform lines in all directions. It is divided into local volumes that do not intersect with each other at a structural level, but included in the other, is common to them and the more "high" level of the structure of matter. Since the Earth has its own locale, the locale does not intersect the other planets. But so is the locale of the sun, which is, in turn, to the galactic locales, and that - in the Local Group of galaxies, etc. Either way, you should have not the land of his locale, coupled with the locale of the moon, would not be available, such as laser ranging Luny.Kak known ray of light has inertia, which have a shell or a missile fired from Zemli.Impuls laser moves to the Moon and back to 2.5 seconds. During this time, the Earth together with the Moon, moving at a speed of 30 km / s relative to the sun, moving in conjunction with the Sun at a speed of 200 km / s, moving together with the Galaxy about 600 km / s relative to the surrounding area, would be gone far vperedposlannogo pulse. However, the impulse comes returned reflector, the telescope, coupled with the laser. That is almost the same point, as if the earth was stationary in space.

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