יום שני, 8 באוקטובר 2012

Magnetic Storm

Magnetic Storm - is a consequence of solar activity. In addition to the light , the Sun emits a generous set of completely weighty charged particles - protons, helium nuclei, and electrons.
 They form the so-called solar wind. Charged particles, managed to fly to the vicinity of Earth, it interacts with the magnetic field.
Our planet - a magnet, the south pole is located near the geographic north. The closer to the magnetic pole, the greater the intensity of the geomagnetic field - near the Arctic Circle is one and a half times more than in Moscow. The charged particles flying from the Sun under the influence of the geomagnetic field of the Earth to spin around the magnetic field lines and travel along them in a spiral to form the radiation belts that lie above the atmosphere. Closer to the magnetic poles, where the field lines of "entry" into the Earth, the particles are close to the surface, ionize the upper atmosphere, and we see flashes of the aurora borealis. When solar activity increases, the particles interacting with a magnetic field, flying more than usual, equilibrium is disturbed geomagnetic conditions and it becomes unstable, that is, the value of the magnetic field strength increases. Strongest and most sustained geomagnetic disturbance is magnetic storms.
How to predict and detect the magnetic storms
Magnetic storms predicted on the basis of observing sunspots - blame storms. Spot - a huge crater, crater in the solar boiling the ocean, and through this hole to disperse the plasma particles are emitted from the deeper regions of the sun and hot. As soon as the observers noticed a spot on the sun's surface, then calculate the time when a "barrel" will be sent to Earth. Heavy particles, which make the main contribution to the perturbation of the geomagnetic field, fly to Earth about a day or two. Therefore, short-term forecast is accurate enough.
The spots appear and disappear. Especially the big live a few months, but a source of charged particles can be of small spots, whose life is much shorter flash and prominences. Therefore, long-term forecasts are inaccurate - spot, which occurred 27 days ago (the period of revolution of the Sun around its axis), can simply not live up to the time when it will be re-projected on the Earth.
The Sun observed many large research organizations in the world: NASA - the U.S., the Institute of the Sun, the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism and Radio Wave Propagation (IZMIRAN) - in Russia. Photos of sunspots, which we now and then on TV, and who go on the Internet, does NASA, IZMIRAN continuously record called magnetogram showing the dynamics of the magnetic field of the Earth. They are specialists are easily separated from the background values ​​of disturbances associated with storms and their intensity and duration of the storm evaluated on a scale.
Do I need to be afraid of magnetic storms
Whether a person reacts to geomagnetic disturbances? A positive answer to this question for many is uncertain. Someone did consider it far-fetched nonsense. And someone is always complaining of headaches during magnetic storms.
But no one can deny that the bird during flight can go astray because of the magnetic storm or magnetic anomaly, because they are oriented along the magnetic field (as well as many insects, such as termites).
If we do not feel the magnetic field, it does not mean that it does not work for us - because X-rays, we also do not feel it.
The impact of magnetic storms on human established as a result of years of research: A clear correlation between geomagnetic disturbances and increase in the number of attacks and deaths in cardiovascular patients, worsening conditions in psychiatric patients. However, magnetic storms also affect healthy people: observations show that in those days, the rate of reaction of the subjects is reduced, and the critical frequency distinguishability light flashes reduced by about half. Partly because the days of magnetic storms increases the number of bus and plane crashes, accidents. Medical studies of this kind are targeted from the beginning of the century and to this day in many countries.
It is noted that during magnetic storms, and in the next two or three days being in patients with coronary heart disease worsens, mortality increased by about half. If the patient was placed in a special magnetically shielded room, which protects against sudden changes in the geomagnetic field, the patient's heart rate returns to normal.
The laboratory Yu.I.Gurfinkelya found that during magnetic storms in the blood corpuscles are formed aggregates (in healthy people - to a lesser extent), that is, blood thickens, some capillary blood flow stops, which, in particular, leads to impaired cardiac rhythm. That the blood thickens, well seen by the so-called computer capillaroscope. If you use it to treat nail bed capillaries (the smallest blood vessels in the skin at the base of the nail bed), you will clearly see that the net during quiet geomagnetic conditions of the capillary bed of clots clog blood cells during a magnetic storm.
Because of such blood clots deteriorating oxygen metabolism and, as a result, you may experience headaches and dizziness because the brain is particularly sensitive to lack of oxygen. (By the way, the blood thickens and in rough - apparently, such a property acquired in the course of evolution, when some danger could lead to injury, and with injury desirable that blood clots quickly). So many times a matter of record the impact of the magnetic storm on the body we have. But what is the mechanism? As the person at the receptor level, cells, organs perceive a magnetic storm? While there are more questions than answers, and, of course, is no consensus among scientists is not here. Not very much, and we know where to look for clues to the mechanism. However, several main hypotheses being actively discussed in the scientific literature. Here are just some of them.
Back in 1958, Professor of Physical Chemistry, Institute of Florence Dzh.Pikkardi reported the results of its eight-year observation of the rather simple chemical reaction: hydrolysis of bismuth chloride, which is accompanied by precipitation. It was found that variations in the rate of this reaction is clearly coincided with the solar activity. Subsequent studies found that the reason for this - changes in the properties of water.
V.I.Lobyshev professor and co-workers (Moscow State University. University) showed that even pure water under the influence of electromagnetic interference can change its structure, has a polymorphism. They discovered and explored the intrinsic luminescence of water in the near-UV range, which lasted for several hours after removal of the perturbation.
Perhaps such structural changes of water can change the permeability of cell membranes, or something else that will inevitably impact on health.
Another possibility for the response of the organism to the geomagnetic field - through the magnetically sensitive elements which recently found in the brain and human adrenal U.S. researchers Baker and Kirschvink. Finally, actively discussing the possibility of a direct effect of magnetic fields on the coupling of biologically active ions, in the first place - the calcium ions are involved in many biochemical reactions, particularly in the transmission of nerve impulses, writes news.nado.ua

If you and I do not feel the magnetic field, it does not mean that it does not affect us - X-rays, we also do not feel it. In this regard, it is worth knowing exactly when the sun can affect our health. Forecast from 8 to 10 October.
Scientific prediction of solar activity for the month and up - it is rather unlikely. Today, science is able to say 100% of the result of the magnetic storm for one - two days before it started. Scientists can fix a flash in the Sun and follow the motion of the solar wind to the Earth, but to predict solar events - remains a theory and not practice. Therefore, the forecast for three days is the most accurate, as drawn on the actual state of solar activity.

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