יום שישי, 28 בספטמבר 2012

In Ecuador, burning forest

In the highlands of the Andes of Ecuador burn valley. On June 1, there were registered 3069 forest fires. Already lost about 18,000 hectares of forest. Experts believe that the reason was the unprecedented drought.
Besides the forest, in the mountains destroyed 142 hectares of agricultural land. In addition, injured 31 hectares of farms. There are victims and the community - Five people were killed and more than 70 - were injured.
The scale of revelry of elements according to various different departments. Ministry of Environmental Protection on Wednesday reported a fire in the area of 9000 hectares. While rescuers say about 14 thousand hectares of devastated areas. With fire fighting unit of 21 aircraft, and about 5700 soldiers of the national arIn such a critical situation, Ecuador came to help other countries. Brazil sent a fire plane with a crew of 29 soldiers for fighting fires. Venezuela and Colombia are sent on a framed helicopter. It is expected that in the near future the situation normalizes.my, trucks and other vehicles.

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