יום שישי, 28 בספטמבר 2012

How old Humanity

Modern scholars have long preferred to limit the history of human civilization several thousand years before that supposedly stretched deep wild and cruel Stone Age.
But the discovery of such ancient cities as Catal Giiyuk in Asia Minor or Jericho in Israel, made a little different look at this issue and extend the cultural period of human existence for about four or five thousand years.
However, for the written evidence of ancient, science continues to take into account only those that recognize a few dozen or even a hundred years ago. Meanwhile, there are documents that allow you to calculate the history of human civilization, at least tens of thousands of years.
Paradoxes of serious scientists
George was known as an outstanding historian Sintsell. He lived at the turn of VIII and IX centuries after Christ. Many years Sintsell preached in Palestine, was the personal secretary of the patriarch of Constantinople Taras (784-806 gg.), After whose death went to a monastery, where he was engaged by writing. The most important work is Sintsella "Selected chronograph". When it was created using the historian works of ancient authors such as Josephus, Manetho and the famous Babylonian priest Berossus, whose works can be found in many highly unusual. Bursaries George Sintsella even allow him to reasonably criticize the father of church history of Eusebius of Caesarea - the falsification of Egyptian chronology.
Sintsell himself, in particular, wrote: "The Egyptians have a certain range, which is called the" Old Chronicle ", it contains 30 dynasties for 113 generations over a period of 36,525 years duration. The first group (Dynasty) Princes - Aurity, second - Mestroeny, the third - the Egyptians. "Chronicle" states "Hephaestus is not defined any time, as it was during the day and at night. Son Hephaestus Helios rules 30 thousand years. Then Chronos and 12 gods ruled over 3984 years, the following were the number eight demigods who ruled 217 years" ".
Philosopher Simplicius of Cilicia, one of the founders of the Alexandrian school of Neoplatonism, distinguished for their business nature and strict attitude to the facts in the VI century and did report hearing, if the Egyptians were astronomical observations over the past 630,000 years. Even if he was wrong, and we should talk about the months, it still accumulates an impressive period - 52.5 thousand years. Late Antique historian of philosophy Diogenes Laertius. winner of acute and caustic mind, found that the Egyptians made their astronomical calculations for 48,863 years before Alexander the Great. Writer and lexicographer first half of V century chapel Marciano claimed that the Egyptians during the 40,000 years secretly study the stars, before opening his phenomenal knowledge of the world.
Zodiac - evidence of antiquity
Even Manetho, whose list of dynasties of pharaohs - is the cornerstone of modern Egyptology, provides information in favor of a much more ancient times of Egyptian civilization. than it is now considered to be. In the surviving fragments of his "History of Egypt" is the following: "The first man [or God] in Egypt - is Hephaestus, who is also known to Egyptians as the discoverer of fire. Heir to his son Helios [Sun] was Sosis, then take turns Kronos, Osiris, Typhon, brother of Osiris, and, finally. Choir, the son of Osiris and Isis. They were the first rulers of Egypt. After that, the royal power passed from one to another without interruption until bidis for 13 900 years. Then during the 1255 years ruled by gods and demigods, and again in 1817 years, another royal family took power in the country. Memphis then another 30 kings ruled over 1790, followed by another 10 kings - for 350 years. Then came the reign of the "spirits of the dead", which lasted for 5813 years. "
The stars, as it was about 90,000 years ago, shows how the zodiac, adorns the ceiling of the temple of Hathor at Dendera Egyptian city. And this zodiac so great, that the original ceiling was removed and moved to Paris during the Egyptian expedition of Napoleon I, and the place of the original plaster was put up. Astrological symbols of the zodiac, according to British ufologist Raymond Drake, according to the precession of the equinoxes, the passage means three and a half large cycles of 25,800 years each. Originally built by the church long ago turned to dust, but the unique zodiac copied devoted striving to preserve this evidence in-depth knowledge of the ancients. Dating to 90,000 years shakes our modern minds, accustomed to limit the history of civilization for thousands of years four and five, but these zodiacs were found in the temples of northern India, and the Babylonian clay tablets.
Royal lists
Curiously, the Chaldeans (Semitic pastoral tribes in the first half of the first millennium BC. Oe. Outskirts of Babylon) were also called the king lists, which operated dates incredible antiquity. The history of the Sumerians, the Babylonians in Mesopotamia prior, according to these lists. began with the creation of man. In the Bible, it is about 10 patriarchs, counting from Adam, the Sumerians were called the most ancient kings, and also 10. Israeli forefathers is unusually long life, but 'Methuselah century "against life Sumerian rulers seem not so great. According to one of the king's list, which featured a total of eight kings, they reigned 241,200 years. According to another, which refers to all 10 - 456 000 years. After that the flood struck, but humanity has revived thanks to surviving righteous Utnapishtim. There was a new dynasty of kings, which was seen as the descendants of gods and demigods. In Dynasty had 33 king who ruled a total 24,510 years. After that, there were a few not so long-lived dynasty, but the story is that science is now taken seriously, begins with the death of the epic hero Gilgamesh around the beginning XXVI century BC. e.
How much to mankind?
Very unusual information about the past of mankind are also found in the mythology of the Aztecs and Mayans. It there is not even one thing, but a few of mankind, which is definitely something in common with the teachings of the Theosophists. Code Vatikanus - a true monument of Aztec culture - says that the first race were giants on the earth, and they died of starvation. The second victim of the humanity grand fire. Some of these people, according to legend, was able to survive by placing below the surface tunnels and fortified camera. Traces of branched underground structures whose age is unlikely to assess, are found in many parts of our planet, there are such facilities in South America, and the African Sahara desert, and in India, and in Western Europe, and in our country. For example, in Karelia and in Zhiguli Mountains. Humanity in the third Aztec myths to be reasonable monkeys that did not become as a result of a disaster. The fourth race was similar to modern humans and drowned in the waters of the Flood. Fifth alive and kicking today.
Code and Code Telleriano Rios-Remensis - documents written down in the Latin alphabet in the language of the Aztecs from earlier sources also tell of the four living up to the present humanity, which, again, were destroyed global catastrophes, albeit in a different order. The existence of each of these sources of humanities Aztec withdrawn from four to five thousand years. But there is one interesting caveat. The Aztecs and the Maya, in addition to the usual dates, also operated by a number of so-called holy years, the duration of which is, for example, for the holy year katun -20 years for Baktun - 400 years to the peak tuna - eight thousand years, and for the most extended this ryadualautuna - 64 million years! So what else should be clear about what, in fact, it's lead in the chronicles of the Indians of Mesoamerica.
Of course, this kind of dating seem frankly frightening, and even delusional. They probably could have been put to rest at the side, as it is, by and large, and is a serious science. However, the unthinkable ancient artifacts that were found in various parts of the world by researchers and random people, I think, make take more seriously given in this article, "strange" ancient documents.
Andrew Chinayev Secrets of the twentieth century.

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