יום שבת, 29 בספטמבר 2012

Color Therapy

All living things tends to color "- so sa
id once great Johann Wolfgang Goethe. According to the teachings of New Age (New Age) and the theory of alternative medicine, chakras are extremely important for our mental and physical health.Many people know that each chakra has its own color, so it is not surprising that the color therapy has beneficial effects on the mental, emotional and physical health.Chakra - is the energy centers of the etheric body, located along the spine. Each chakra corresponds to a specific color - the color of the emitted energy. Soundlessly body receives signals of a power center, resulting in us leads to a specific color. The reasons for the love of green or purple can be understood easily if you know the color and their functions. Throughout human history we attract certain color. And for the life of your favorite color may change several times - for example, you are a child loved blue, and one day woke up and realized that you hate the blue, and the soul is now green. Most people can not confidently answer the question about his favorite color. Ask a best friend, what color she likes most. Maybe she will answer without hesitation, "yellow", but the look in her wardrobe and see that yellow clothes there quite a bit. What shade prevails in her clothes? Green? This is the favorite color of your friend! Often we unconsciously use color therapy, not even knowing it. Our color preferences can tell a lot about our character and even the events of our lives. Cravings for certain shades due subconscious desire for harmony.

Feng Shui - the classical Oriental art and science of harmony of space. By tradition, Feng Shui, plants and flowers are arranged in the house so as to enhance the flow of positive energy. Feng Shui teaches us how to use certain colors to change lives for the better. To change your life, start with the changes in the house. For many, feng shui has been a relief, because thanks to him in their lives have energy prosperity and good luck.People familiar with the basics of Feng Shui, should know how color affects the mood and feeling. For example, red - the color of vitality, activity and passion, so if you're looking for a thrill or want to establish an intimate life, the best color for a bedroom design you will not find. It is not necessary to paint the entire room in red, hanging purple curtains and draperies. Enough to put on the table a vase of red flowers (eg, roses) or decorate a room with red hearts made of paper or glass. The red color symbolizes the element fire, so it will incidentally and in the kitchen, for example, in the form of a small flower pots and kitchen utensils. Now very actual red glassware, which makes any kitchen. You may have seen that in the kitchen (usually a window or in a corner) is particularly zealous housewives hung bundles of cayenne pepper. This creates a homelike atmosphere and appetite. But be careful: the people who are prone to increased anxiety and depression, and high blood pressure need to monitor the number of red objects in the house, because this color is very exciting, so do not abuse it. The main thing - moderation. The less red, the better, and the salutary effect it.Someone can experience life as a series of black and white, for others it is painted in gray tones and semitones. It is rare that a person is trying to take it in the colored version. But the color - it is an integral part of our lives. Even colorblind sees colors, even confuses them a bit. Even a blind man, I'm sorry, unless of course, he is not blind from birth, says the colors and the mood, too, depends on the color.Attacks sometimes, for example, depression, and nothing helps. The man starts to close the world, wrap yourself from head to toe in black and deeper into depression. And it would cost to put on an orange, a couple of days to surround yourself with this color, as all came to full circle. Color has long been used to treat nervous disorders. This type of treatment is called "color therapy" and if scientifically, the "chromotherapy".What is color therapy?Color therapy - is an ancient science. In ancient Rome used this method of color therapy, as water saturation color. In the bowl of water placed precious and semi-precious stones of a certain color. And then prescribed the water to drink. For various diseases using various precious stones. For example, cold treated turquoise.In the modern world, color therapy - is one of the topics of psychotherapy. Using color effects, a great many. It can be a meditation on the color when the man for a long time looking for a certain range. The effect of tsvetomeditatsii could feel anyone who stared at the orange-yellow flame of fire.Color therapy can be conducted in the form of tsvetorelaksatsii. This effect is produced by suggestion therapist. Person is immersed in a light trance and recreate the color atmosphere in which the patient comfortable.Color therapy can be used separately or in conjunction with music therapy. No wonder there are special movies out of the depression.Apply color therapy can not only feed and care professionals, but also independently. To do this, just to know what color to what effect on a person possesses. Physiology color: body color therapyThe beneficial effects of color on the human body is known from ancient times. For many centuries ago in Egypt, China and India, the color successfully treated many diseases. History shows that even if there were special rooms with colored glass, stained glass, allowing refract sunlight in different colors. Avicenna prescribed to their patients the effects of certain colors depending on the disease and mental state of patients.Now color therapy has become a very popular method of recovery. You can use it to correct disorders and soul, and body. Effect of color therapy is based on the fact that each of the biologically active zones of the body responds to one of the colors. Getting into our bodies, elementary color particles - photons - cause certain biochemical reactions in tissues, stimulate important glands produce hormones that regulate metabolism.Color wave hits the receptor active zone iris, and then goes to the brain and gets into all the physiological structure. The famous Russian physiologist Professor SV Kravkov conducted many experiments on the relationship of color vision with various bodies. It was found that there is a relationship between the perception of color iris and the hypothalamus, which plays an integral role in the activity of the physiological and psychological functions.Professor Gloyzman reaction studied by placing the subject in the rays of different colors. With the red light increases pressure, quickens the pulse, after a three-hour stay in the red room of patients suffering from psychosis silent, cheerful, smile came and asked to have. Green and blue exposure led to a decrease in pressure, lower heart rate (similar to the optimal physiological levels). Likewise, it was shown that red, orange and yellow increase appetite, and the blue, blue, and purple, on the contrary, it is markedly reduced. High temperatures and acute illnesses to help cool colors: blue, purple. With disease caused by hypothermia body fight warm colors: yellow, orange, red. Red and yellow rays yielded interesting results in the treatment of apathetic and anemic children. They are expressed in increasing the number of red blood cells, increase the baby's weight, increasing its activity and to improve his mood.An important step in the development of science have become works of American Scientists babbitt and Pleasanton, which chronicled the therapeutic effect of each color of the spectrum. So, Dr. Babbitt recommended to treat infertility in red, blue - nervous disorders, and yellow use as a purgative.Every hunter wants to know where sits the pheasant!Red - the color of the action. It stimulates and subcortical brain cells directly and the cerebral cortex. The impact on the subcortex is in the form of increased pressure, temperature, physical activity and sexual activity. As for the effects on cells of the cerebral cortex, the red leads to action. It does not matter, will it work activity or just hyperexcitability.Psychotherapists do not recommend the use of the color red for a long time. It is fraught with side effects such as fatigue and tiredness.Orange - a mix of red and white. Ie its impact on a person similar to the impact of the red, but in a milder form. Characteristic that enhances the mood, stimulate activity and tiring work not as much as red. Psychologists unanimously recommend using it for nursery rooms. Or, for example, the corner where the child will engage in active cognitive activity.Yellow - the color of the sun. Gorgeous color for the prevention of depression. If, for example, the orange facilitates the exit out of the doldrums, the yellow warning its development. Fall, winter and early spring, yellow is vital to us. It can be used in the form of bright spots in the interior or in clothing accessories.Yellow is the color traditionally adventurers and people, easy-going. It awakens a thirst for knowledge. Stimulate the desire to learn, learn, learn something new. Compelled to go somewhere, go, go on trips.Green - applies to the cold range, but it is the soft colors of this palette. It soothes, but almost does not slow the life processes of the body. However, there is a green one major drawback or dignity. It depends on which side of the watch. Green directly affects the area of ​​the brain responsible for appetite. In short, it enhances it. Therefore, if the hostess kitchen is fully decorated in shades of green, then there will be a lot to eat.Blue - opposite of red. It is almost completely inhibits any activity. Lowers blood pressure and temperature. Lowers the operating activity. Has a soporific effect.The blue color is good for decoration bedroom and bed. However, there is one thing. If your bed is a place of achievements and victories, the blue color will not work for her, it is better to use red.Blue - blue and white. This color also has a calming effect, but not as strong as blue. In fact, any color is blue. It is often used for decoration of office space, as It helps to think, concentrate and dampens emotions.Purple - the color of inhibiting all the colors. His long exposure of humans is fraught with the advent of the constant feeling of fatigue.Gray, black, brown - depressing colors. In any case can not be applied in the design of housing, especially if in addition to these there are no other colors. Even if you love the colors, try to dilute their bright spots. Cushions or vases.Older people will remember lamps with orange shades. In the darkness of a winter night, they disperse the gloom and gave a feeling of warmth, peace and cheer up.White - in fact it is the absence of color. However, on a psychological level, the need for a white - is the need to defend himself. Hide emotions and put between themselves and the people the separation wall. It is no coincidence bridesmaid dress in white, at this point in my life like no other she needs emotional protection. Medical gowns also white. Just such a profession that is constantly faced with another pain, but you can not take it to heart. In this regard, the white stands for.Speaking of white. Most of the territory of our country more than half the year covered by snow. That is why we are closed during the winter and unemotionally.Indigo (purple) colorThis calms, stimulates the spleen, relaxes, reduces pain, supports lymph, enhances perception. The negative impact of products purple unknown. Such food cleanses the blood and prevents the loss of appetite.Effects of color of food and clothing that we wear, especially useful when the moon's motion through the zodiac. The basic rule is that some colors affect in a special way, or more if you use them under the sign of the zodiac, which they correspond.If, for example, you want to use color therapy as a complementary medicine for various diseases and disorders, then select a suitable contrasting color for clothes, or at least for part of the toilet, which is located on the affected area of ​​the body. It does not matter, put on clothes next to the skin, for example, T-shirt, or other clothing. The direct effect is somewhat stronger. But color radiation perceived by sight, has a beneficial effect in any case. The theory of color therapyThe use of different color waves for therapeutic purposes is the age-old tradition. Many nations, such as the Egyptians and the Chinese, patients treated by rubbing them with certain colors or putting on their clothes, painted in certain colors. However, they proceeded from the fact that in the human body because of pain interferes with the normal vibration, and hence the direction of energy flow.Light and color - this is nothing but energy. Each color has a specific wavelength, and thus has a specific effect on a living organism. Correctly applying the energy of color, you can eliminate the energy blockade. Color therapy is not suitable black and white color because white reflects all the light beam, and black absorbs all color rays. Self-treatment color therapyYour health with color therapy, you can improve yourself, without the help of a specialist. Instead of devices - light sources, used by professionals, you can use the tinted bulbs or lay on the skin with color film and send it to the beam from a flashlight.A very pleasant and extremely simple tool - color additive for the bath. The essence of this procedure is that the skin takes the tiniest vibrations through the water of each color. The same applies colored clothing. Pay attention to your condition after morning awakening. If you feel tired or have a bad mood and depression, you should choose clothing joyful, bright, warm colors. If after morning awakening you experience excess energy, better wear a suit soothing green or cool blue.Colors sounds that are visible, but are vibrating at a higher frequency than the human ear can detect.To see them, nature has created an eye. Through its specific vibrations, the length or frequency of the wave, the colors have a big impact on us, whether we realize it or not.Our small and personal environment is also full of flowers: our clothes and linens, our furniture and carpets at home and at work. Even the color of our food has an impact. Everywhere we find the vibrations of color, the impact of which we perceive consciously and unconsciously.Easily a thought that should be obvious: it is necessary to good use, consciously and deliberately use the colors and their effects. Various vibrations of colors affect us, especially through the chakras. In a post from this book about the individual chakras, are the colors that are closely associated with specific chakras.This, above all, the colors of the spectrum of white light from which each corresponds to a specific energy center. We know how the refracted color that occurs when a beam of light falls on the set at an angle, or a special glass prism.In nature, the colors we see with dew or rain drops, as we see in a rainbow of colors that game, in its most perfect form. Here the colors of the spectrum are shown in its purest expression. If we use the color of healing, they should be as clean as possible.In therapeutic practice commonly used bulbs for color therapy, which uses color filters. Even a very simple method is extremely successful. Better yet, can work with color emitter that can be used at the same time optimally cover all the chakras. So far we do not know any one suitable for this purpose, the device, so we present a draft of the instrument.We have already said that the color of our clothing has a great impact on health.

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