יום שני, 8 באוקטובר 2012

The Mystery of DNA

DNA is foundational for life. This double helix is ​​within each of our cells in our body and each cell of every life form. This microscopic code (or instruction manual) is composed of chemicals arranged in specific sequences. These arrangements form the letters of a language that communicates to a cell all the information it needs to manufacture everything for life. The DNA in a single human cell contains the information equivalent of 4,000 books! How did DNA come to exist?
DNA is like a foreign language - it looks random at first, but once you understand the "code" and "rules" of the language, all the arrangement of the letters makes sense in this order. This irregular yet patterned aspect of DNA makes DNA very unique, because it is specified information. And information of this kind is only known to result from an intelligent mind.
Dr. Werner Gitt, Director and Professor at the German Federal Institute of Physics and Technology, states that one thing we have learned from scientific study is that information can only result from greater information that results from a mind and will:
"No Known Natural Law"
"A code system is always the result of a mental process (it requires an intelligent origin or inventor) ... It should be emphasized that matter as such is unable to generate any code. All experiences indicate that a thinking being voluntarily exercising his own free will, cognition, and creativity, is required. "In the Beginning was Information, CLV, Bielenfeld, Germany.
"There is no known natural law through which matter can give rise to information, neither is any physical process or material phenomenon known that can do this.
Thus, chance and necessity are unable to account for the information in DNA. This leaves the third option, design. Someone's mind had to intentionally design DNA so the pattern makes sense and can function.
The Search Begins. . .
Now, who could this higher mind be? DNA is exceedingly complex, far exceeding the complexity of any computer code or other information that mere human minds can create. Not even the most brilliant scientists can create DNA. So whatever mind created DNA, it is a mind far superior to ours.
Option 1: Aliens?
Maybe aliens gave our planet life, including DNA? Some have proposed it in all seriousness. Yet it is not the most reasonable choice, since we have very little evidence that such higher life forms exist in outer space. The most evidence for life outside earth is bacteria in Mars, but that is far from super-intelligent extraterrestrials. Besides, these hypothetical life forms would themselves have to have some information code similar to DNA within their own cells. All life, especially of the higher orders, that we have ever experienced contains DNA, so it is only reasonable to say that DNA or something like it is integral to life. If extraterrestrials created DNA on earth, who created theirs? The problem is only pushed farther back in the mists of time. So who created it?
Option 2: The Life Force
Is the Life Force of pantheistic religions like Hinduism the cause of DNA? Not likely, since this Life Force is supposed to be impersonal - which means it has no will of its own. Such a force would be similar to nature's laws, another "necessity" unable to create anything except repetitious designs, like the law of karma. But since DNA is an unrepeated pattern of information, an impersonal life force is truly unlikely as its source.
Option 3: A Creator
From a process of elimination, we have reduced the possibilities greatly. From thinking through this process of elimination, here are some traits of DNA's Creator:
1. This Creator must be super-intelligent, since DNA is super-complex
2. This Creator must be very powerful in order to bring elements together and make DNA from raw materials.
3. This Creator must have the ability to see things we cannot, such as the microscopic world, yet also have the wisdom to know how to make DNA work for life in the macroscopic world.
4. This Creator must have a will and not just be pure law or necessity, since DNA has a non-repeating pattern.
5. This Creator must not be composed of DNA, since that is the very thing we are trying to explain. If whoever made DNA has no DNA, then this mind and will is much different from all life as we know it. Since all flesh has DNA, this being appears not to be made of flesh.
6. This Creator cares about life, since DNA is key to life.
Who is this Creator?
Now, where can I find a super-intelligent, super-powerful, all-seeing, wise, conscious, and non-physical Creator who has a keen interest in life on this planet? Well, every single human society since antiquity already claims that such a being exists: God. Isn't it strange that all human societies have the consciousness of a being they cannot see, hear, taste, smell, or feel? Yet DNA shows that this kind of being is just what is required for DNA's very existence! This is no coincidence.
We Knew It All Along
The Creator of DNA put within our consciousness (in our DNA!) That He exists and can be known. No other cause can adequately explain how the non-repeating, incredibly complex information in DNA came into existence. Even the philosopher Antony Flew, the most renown atheist of the twentieth century, made a 180 and admitted near the end of his life that God must exist because of DNA. The discovery of DNA was one of the most pertinent reasons for this atheist's turnaround.
Thus, DNA is powerful evidence that God exists just as these words right here are evidence that a person exists behind them. These words couldn't write themselves, even over millions of years, because they do not mean anything in themselves, but have meaning only within the higher code, or language, they belong in. The physics that make these words possible for you to see - the ink, paper, printer - cannot make the words for the simple reason that information is not part of the physical world. The same information could be written with a pencil or even with squirts of lemon juice. Thus, the natural laws of the physical world have nothing to do with information. Physical laws can only work with the information encoded within it. But it can't create any new information, like DNA. That requires, as Dr. Werner Gitt concludes, a mind behind the matter. And God is the only mind that qualifies as capable of creating DNA.

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