יום חמישי, 11 באוקטובר 2012

Magnetic storms slow blood in the capillaries

Geomagnetic activity has an impact on the rate of blood flow in the capillary vessels of the person - such a result was obtained in the course of experiments to simulate an interplanetary mission "Mars-500", the results of which scientists discussed at an international symposium in Moscow.
Yury Gurfinkel of the Space Research Institute and Alexander Suvorov, of the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems, analyzed data on the rate of capillary blood flow in "marsonavtov" and compared them with the index of geomagnetic activity Ap, measured by the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation (IZMIRAN).
Total researchers analyzed 58 records obtained with a digital optical capillaroscope. It turned out that in the days of high geomagnetic activity rate of blood in the capillaries was almost two times lower than in the magnetically quiet days (Ap = 5-7) - 389 microns per second versus 643 microns per second.
However, during a very quiet geomagnetic conditions (Ap = 1-4) speed was about average - about 435 microns per second.
"This is probably due to the increase in the intensity of galactic cosmic rays in the period of low solar wind velocity," - according to the materials of the symposium.
Experiment on ground modeling interplanetary flight "Mars-500" was held in Moscow at the Institute of Biomedical Problems. Seven "marsonavtov" conducted in the specific modules 520 days and "returned" to Earth November 4, 2011.

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