Living Stones

The classics were mistaken when under life means only way of existence of protein bodies. It turns out that in the surrounding nature life glimmers in everything, including the earth itself, the other planets in the Solar System and the Sun, as well as distant stars and planets in the universe, including the movement of the stones in the space of the cosmos. Therefore, as I see it, the most common everywhere and all life forms were based on ... silicon and calcium. This flint-calcium inhabited world is familiar with stones from the sand to the multi-ton boulders and high mountains. Representatives of flint-calcium world transformed into plants and animal skeletons, including corals. Stones may not live on their own, but are part of the "body" of the planet and perform their specific functions. This was a lot of us, or just do not realize or disagree. But individual observation and inquisitive minds of researchers over the past century have revealed a number of interesting cases in the life of stones - the first settlers of the Earth.
For example, in the U.S. state of California in the United States National Wildlife Refuge "Death Valley" rocks the size of a small pebble to a boulder weighing half a ton make strange walking along the bottom of a dried-up lake Restreyk-playa (Racetrack Playa). This is the hottest place on Earth. Thus, the temperature of 50 degree Celsius held here in 1917 for 43 days. Stones move individuals and groups slowly, sometimes zigzag, breaking dozens of meters of road and leaving clearly visible tracks in the sand. They do not roll, do not rotate, but crawling on the surface, leaving a uniform furrows, as if some invisible pulls them along. Boulders and the wind, and climb up slightly tilted surfaces. Move troubled boulders repeatedly tried to fix the personnel but to no avail: the people can not even catch boulders in time of travel. However, observers should deviate slightly to the side, away from the object of his observation, as they begin to move - sometimes up to half an hour.
Since the early 1950s, will map the following motion Reystrekskih stones. Graduate student at New York University in the area of earth sciences and environmental issues Paula Messina, together with his colleague Phil Stoffer in 1996 made their first detailed maps with the latest computer technology. Each of the 162 boulders and tracks their movements were photographed and filmed their coordinates. The longest track was found in the dolomite stone the size of a pebble - it extends as a nearly straight line for 900 meters. The average length of the trail is about 200 meters. The resulting map revealed a high degree of consistency of the direction of the next movement (rocks mostly slide on the north and north-east). Straightness and length of the trace does not depend on the size and shape of the stones, and the geographical location the beginning of movement. The general analysis of the relief of the valley have shown that there are two natural corridor discharged in air masses that in some places the penetration becomes turbulent. That terrain and air flow, according to researcher, determined the character of the next movement, and not the properties of the stones themselves. But so far none of the scientists did not see how glide "creep" rocks of Death Valley.
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