יום שישי, 28 בספטמבר 2012

Today nature retards aging

Aging today no one is going! Every fourth Russian sure that old age begins at 64, and nearly one in five - 74 years. This find sociologists Public Opinion Foundation "FOMnibus" and remember that just seven years ago, in 2005, the majority of Russians aged "old fart" considered a very valiant 50.
Moreover, even approaching retirement age now no longer afraid. In 2005, she was not afraid of people 58 percent, and in 2012, the optimists has increased by five percent. The same pattern as in Europe. Opinion polls have been conducted in 31 countries. Surveyed more than 40,000 people. And the results are summarized British Professor Dominic Abrams (Dominic Abrams) at the University of Kent (University of Kent). It turned out that in the West 80 years people feel the care of youth in 52 years, and the coming of age - 69 years. The women, as always indulging dreams, push the top of your wilting even further for several years. And the well-known "midlife crisis" has moved to a later date. For example, for most people in Russia and Great Britain half a century ago, he was advancing in the "Youth", 36 years old, and today - in a solid 55 years. In a survey of scientists found another amazing fact: the boundaries of youth, old age changed in one way or the other, depending on where the man lived. The warmer and south of the country, the sooner it ends up on people's self-perception of youth. For example, in the Middle East, adulthood begins at age 14: You can even get married, start working.
In Western countries, the youth, usually identified with graduation. In the cold northern countries as onset of old age postponed by at least as much as 7 years on the average results of the surveys. Incidentally, there is a hypothesis, proving that if you lower the body temperature of 2-3 degrees Celsius, it can live up to 150 years. So what happened with the old people?
Experts comments
- Indeed, in recent years there have been significant changes in the definition of biological age, - explained the Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Worker of Science, Director of the Russian Gerontological Research Center of Medical Vladimir Shabalin. - According to a new age classification of the World Health Organization, 25 to 44 years old - a young age, 44 - 60 years - average age 60 - 75 years old - older age, 75 - 90 years - old age, and after 90 - it centenarians.
- Biological age has shifted, perhaps because of the comfort that gave civilization?
- No, it is an achievement of the internal depth of which has undergone matter - intellectual biomass, which in fact is the man. The fact that evolution, which sought to increase the biomass of humanity, the matter is being decided. On Earth, live seven billion people. Leaving the human population that will stand the planet is 12 billion. And this number should only be done after it is reached will decrease reproduction. So, at this stage of evolution is not just interested in the development and increase of mankind, and the augmentation of the older age group.
- Why do old people need nature?
- Development of the brain, intelligence, experience! The number of older age group from 60 to 90 years increased by 4 - 5 times faster than the overall population. Hence, the evolution of interest right now in the qualitative development of intellectual qualities of humanity. And we reach the higher intellectual development over 40 years. In addition, 40 - 60 years comes the wisdom that provides a common understanding of our life and the assessment of their capabilities. And in 70 years, we have formed the base - and the life, and the professional and intellectual. And the database could be used for further development of mankind in the biosphere - with fewer errors, and with great potential for improvement.
- But as the body grows old!
- Yes, aging processes are negative. But now they are gradually being reversed. Nature slows down aging. And the body is dying slowly.

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