יום שבת, 29 בספטמבר 2012

The water in the lagoon of Venice became dangerously hot

Researchers at the University of Southampton, and colleagues from Venice found that surface water temperatures in the Venice lagoon is growing 10 times faster than the average in the world.
Such changes are particularly critical for the city in winter. Some experts believe that climatic surprises and unexpected sharp rise to unsafe water indicators can affect the tourist attraction of the city as a whole. But Venice is visited by 22 million people a year, which significantly adds to the state and the city treasury.n
Higher water temperatures can be explained by the effect of "heat island" that is inherent in any modern city. This issue has not received much study, but its implications for both the city and for the surrounding areas are extremely serious. The air temperature in London and the water temperature at the surface of the Thames is higher than in the whole of Britain. And in an industrial area in South Korea surface temperature increases by 0,26 ° C per decade, while the global figure is somewhat lower (0,13 ° C). Two-thirds of this rise is explained by increases in air temperature to be around urban areas.
Nearly 2 billion people live in coastal areas, constituting 18% of the inhabited land. The density of the population of the coast is three times higher than on the mainland. By 2025, the number of people living in the coastal area will increase by 30%, with this increase the volume of trade and infrastructure. The effect of the coastal "heat island" will continue to grow, warming oceans and contributing to global warming, even more than greenhouse gases.
Give more or less accurate prediction about how specifically to affect the "heat island" for the future of the planet is difficult. This is primarily due to the fact that the main actor in this process are the man and his work, which is extremely volatile factor. But what is the problem to be solved, there is no doubt. 
Besides tourism and fisheries will suffer, as the warming of water it contains less oxygen, and the fish either die or go deeper into the lagoon to the sea, a variety of seafood available in any case poorer. So tens of thousands of Venetian fishermen may lose their jobs, and famous restaurants - without the usual set of dishes.

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