יום שבת, 29 בספטמבר 2012

Tarot cards as a tool

What is the phenomenon of Tarot cards? What is their persistence and constant intrigue? They cause people opposing emotions of fear and trepidation to leave no one indifferent for so many centuries. Why other mantic system - runes, Pyromancer, divination bones, I-Ching - Book of Changes, etc. not discussed as rapidly as tarot cards. The whole affair is that they reflect the main archetypal images imprinted in the subconscious of humanity. These images are sure to cause each person's emotional response.   The origin of Tarot cards, many researchers attribute to the days of ancient Egypt, but they are reflected and kabbalistic symbolism and later hermetic symbols. Therefore, they can hardly be attributed to a single esoteric direction. They have absorbed much knowledge and magical possibilities. Mantic or predictive capabilities of Tarot cards in this article we do not discuss, and so they are known to all.   But we will not delve into the history of the Tarot, it is too complicated. We are interested in Tarot as a means of contact with the deep subconscious level. Separation of the deck onto the older and younger Arcana suggests their connection with the mysteries, which were held in many esoteric centers of Asia Minor and Egypt later in Greece.   Famous Eleusinian Mysteries were divided into small and great. They can easily discern the structure of the Tarot, which are allocated Minor Arcana responsible for worldly things and experiences and Senior Arcana, which are responsible for the higher realms. The word "Arcanum" is translated from Latin as a mystery or miracle cure. The Lesser Mysteries person goes through the drama of the soul in the material world, the Great neophyte experienced brilliant ascent of the soul from the lower world to the Supreme.   These cards are the pillars of psychology studied by Jung to modern psychologists Hans Dieckmann and Gbggenbyulya-Craig for comparing cards of the Major Arcana with the archetypal image of humanity. Carl Jung coined the term "collective unconscious" and described in the collective unconscious archetypal images. "Archetype", the term was used as early as ancient Platonists and meant the original image matrix. In psychology, this term refers to the method of communication of images, from generation to generation, the principle on which they are associated. Archetypes define the overall structure of the individual and the sequence of images that pop into mind when awakening creativity, so spiritual life bears the archetypal imprint. Considered to be the most ancient archetypes associated with the image of the mother, the birth and death. In the era of matriarchal role of women is particularly high. Later comes the image of God the Father, the Demiurge, the creator, as well as the Wise Old Man and the Hermit. Images of nature - the sun, moon, stars. The world and the devil - a reflection of good and evil.   All symbolic material is born on the level of human experience and emotions common to all mankind. Symbols in humans is stored in the deep layer, which Jung defined the term "unconscious", that is irresponsible. Archetypal images that are symbolic, and do not grow out of our orderly, organized intelligence, but rather to spite him.   Still have distinct concepts between the symbol and sign. Sign, as Jung said, can be translated, the words of the (white brick with a red background indicates a deadlock). Symbol is something that can not be provided by any other means, and whose value exceeds all specifications, definitions, and includes many seeming opposites (cross sphinx).   The characters depicted in the Tarot, are ubiquitous and have no children. Tarot figures, in various costumes and masks, are always present in our lives. At night, they come to us in dreams, day inspire us to work, and in meditation show our psychological problems.   Journey through the Tarot cards are the first journey to the depths of our own subconscious. Everything that we meet along the way in the study of the Tarot, is at its core an understanding of our deepest self. They serve as an effective bridge for us to inherited wisdom of the ancestors, and this wisdom can solve our own problems and find creative answers to the universal issues facing all of us.   Major Arcana, which includes a set of 22 cards are reference points in our journey through the archetypal images of our subconscious. Just Senior Arcana can be viewed as drawing text that is a common experience that a person faces on the way to self-realization.  Major Arcana can be viewed as a kind of projection screens. Projection - this is unconscious, an autonomous process by which we first see in people, objects and events around us are striving, features, capabilities and shortcomings, which actually belong to ourselves. We ourselves inhabit outside witches and princesses, devils and heroes who are buried in the depths of our own subconscious. Projection of our inner world to the outer is not on purpose, it is simply the way in which the mind works.   In technology travel Major Arcana cards, we will use as a screen for projections of archetypal images. Archetypes work in psychology, as well as the instincts work in the body. Different people may vary, however, their main primordial nature is universal.  One example of working with Khatami Tarot can be drawn from the study Sally Nichols in manifestation of archetypal images in our lives. This image of Rolling Stone with his bundle and his staff is very common in our lives today. Jung called this archetype of the Trickster. We can consider it as a hitchhiker young man standing on the side of the road with a raised finger. And if this person is unconscious part of ourselves, we are bound to respond to it emotionally. Some have a desire to stop and drop the voice, recalling how in his youth he enjoyed a period of carefree journey. Others who are not "played the fool" in his youth, may instinctively reach for this stroller because it is a part of their own unlived. Others have experienced a negative reaction on the kind of unshaven slacker and can zatryasti rabies. "I'm sick of this carelessness," - he says. Later, going through this meeting and analyzing their reactions to vagrants, people will come to the conclusion, why not walk around this young vagabond, if he likes it. He may ask the question: "What kind of life I would have if I lived like this guy? '.   Reactions to the Fool will be so many, and they will be different as the people that are with him are facing, depending on their life experiences. The only thing that will unite is that touching the archetype is always a particular emotional response. Exploring these unconscious reactions, we may disclose archetype that manipulates us and liberate themselves, to some extent, from its compulsions.  Another aspect of the Tarot reveals itself to us when we turn to research cards Order "Golden Dawn" in the late 19th century. They found an association with the Kabbalistic Tree of Tarot Sephiroth or another Tree of Life is mentioned in the book "Sephira Yetzirah", attributed to Abraham.  By definition, the Tree of Life (World Tree) - a composition of 10 Sefirot, which in turn are the 10 emanations, 10 names or 10 channels of God's manifestation. These days are called Sefirot and "archetypes states of consciousness" Located in a particular order, these are Senior Arcana energy first descent of the divine emanations of the material world, and then show off what arheteptcheskih manifestations of man must get rid of.  Meditation "Maass Merkabah" in Kabbalistic tradition consists in focusing on the figures, like the Buddhist mandala. They portrayed "Gekalot" - heavenly "palaces", leading up to the throne of the Lord. Ecstatic visions were preceded by many months of preparation. Tarot cards in this technique also works as a mandala and give the opportunity to enhance the energy of "Divinity", hidden by the Creator in man, which we know more, called "Kundalini". Once this awakening energy enables the soul to rise up to the Creator, to have a higher vibration. Working with states Sephiroth, a person can clear themselves of low vibrations of the material world, create the vessel, which can receive pure energy of the Lord, connecting to the Divinity, which then she begins to study in man blocking, preventing her to go upstairs.   In man, able to keep the two threads, completely rebuilt energy, energy that breaks the cocoon, which is written in all the esoteric books. Ego Energy expands to enormous proportions. That is why the Buddhist monks in the temple Itegelova say he Aura several thousand kilometers. Such a person on the ground is called a saint, he opened direct access to the Creator.

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