יום שישי, 28 בספטמבר 2012

Indian Ocean earthquake hinted at tectonic gap

Two strong earthquakes that occurred in the Indian Ocean, April 11, 2012, may signal the final stage of formation of a new boundary between lithospheric plates. Geological stress, tearing of the Indo-Australian plate, most likely, was the cause of earthquakes of magnitude 8.6 and 8.2, which are passed along numerous faults. Tremors continued for six days thereafter.
In April of the 2012 Indo-Australian plate simultaneously exploded at least four fault, resulting in two hours was two earthquakes with magnitude above 8.0. (Red stars indicate the epicenters.) (Image Keith Koper / University of Utah Seismograph Stations.)
Their views on this matter experts presented in the journal Nature in three articles. The hypothesis of the destruction of the Indo-Australian plate has existed since the 1980s. Earthquake on April 11 were the most vivid evidence of righteousness seismologists emphasizes Matthias Delescluze of the Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris (France), lead author of the first article.
According to the prevailing theory of plate tectonics, the Indo-Australian plate began to deform around 10 million years ago. The fact that she is moving to the north, but it inhibits the Eurasian plate. In a clash not only created the Himalayas, but also slows down the Indian part of the plate. Meanwhile, in the last part of the Australian settle, hence the tension.
Group Mr. Delescluze identified stress simulation, performed shortly before the earthquake of 2012. Scientists have discovered that the two previous push near the eastern boundary of plates (magnitude 9.1 earthquake in 2004 that caused the tsunami disaster, and another one in 2005) is likely to become the direct cause of the recent events, but by themselves they can not cause further tremors. There must be some additional source of stress. Apparently, those earthquakes only increase tension in the middle of the platform.
Most large earthquake occurs when two plates collide and come one after another. In contrast, when the platform or parts slide horizontally along the fault line, it usually results in less shear shock. However, the first earthquake on April 11 challenged the theory, once the largest strike-slip earthquake in the history of observations and one of the best that occurred away from plate boundaries. In the second paper, researchers report that during the first earthquake of April 11 down voltage accumulated in the inner part of the plate, led to the formation never before observed pattern of fractures. Unlike the majority of earthquakes, passing through one fault, the gap covered for four, one of which moved to 20-30 m Previous work has identified numerous advances in the earthquake of magnitude 8.6, but at the last minute detail has not yet been addressed. The third article is not by earthquakes and their consequences. The scientists found that in six days after the event, an earthquake of 5.5 and more cases up to five times more often than usual, and swept around the world, although aftershocks are generally limited to the immediate vicinity of the main epicenter.

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