יום שבת, 29 בספטמבר 2012

BIOENERGY - We'll talk about things

Bioenergy - Energy inexhaustible area of ​​human relations with the outside world. We are just beginning to learn these relationships and interactions, and the ways of knowing we should expect many surprises and unexpected.For the beginner, recently heard the word bioenergy, training can be a serious challenge, if he opens quickly VISION. See around us, and we coexist with nature - not too much fun. Some of them look very unsympathetic. However, our gut bacteria under the microscope are unlikely to cause aesthetic delight, even though many of them are simply necessary for proper digestion. We suggest that you not be afraid of everything at once, you will see the small world, and in each situation to try to find out why you are experiencing.After all, if you or your patient survived to this day in a world full of energy beings, so most of them are not so terrible. Under certain conditions, they can even cooperate. To this theme we will return to the other articles.Essence a very strong and aggressive, which are called demonic, can do a lot of harm to a person, but work with them implies a high level of professionalism. So, in cosmoenergetics with entities of this order can handle only channels magistrovogo block (eg Pirva, Indra, Parajanov) and some channels Egregornogo Zoroastrianism. In other systems, it is - channels army of Archangel Michael, Akon, Staff Creator and others after a long serious developments.Basically the course of their activities each energokorrektor faced with entities that cause and support our acute and chronic diseases of the physical body and the many problems of our psyche.Protective layers of our aura, which should maintain the integrity of our energy, are constantly exposed to traumatic stress. Hard work, psychological stress, the negative influence of other people, extreme temperature shocks - all sap our energy. In protective layers formed a "hole" through which the body penetrate the large and small entities. They remain in the subtle bodies, or embedded in the etheric bodies of individual organs and tissues.Next nature - parasites create a "garbage": energy distort space around him, even more aggravating illness. If the size is big enough entity, it can exist in a parallel space, and in the human body are fixed power tubes with hooks or suckers, through which the energy goes to the parasite.The transition to the next life, a person may remain predisposed to certain diseases in the event that the information distortion affected the subtle bodies of higher level. Unfortunately, often the reincarnation does not relieve us of the bindings to entities distorting features of our psyche. Parasites that have fallen out of our past lives, in the present embodiment, provoke us to unmotivated reactions of fear, hatred, hopelessness, boredom. Due to constant attack from our life "decorated" phobias, depression, inappropriate behaviors.   Thus, any work on the physical and psychological recovery person must necessarily be accompanied by cleansing it from entities encouraging, and supporting disease. In particular, if the disease is manifested on the physical level, work well channels energy of the Earth and Blue Sky Energy. When correcting mental blocks used specific energy corresponding to the case.

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