יום שישי, 28 בספטמבר 2012

Approaching a huge comet

New comet flying in our direction. She is now beyond the orbit of Jupiter. That is very far from the sun, but it has got a tail visible to astronomers. As we approach the core of the celestial guest will heat up even more and shine even brighter. As a result, the approach to us, the comet may become unusually bright - spark 15 times brighter than the moon. It will be visible even in the daytime in Sevan hemisphere - with the naked eye, of course. Celestial show will last at least two months.Comet shot Novichonok Nevsky in another light range Photo: E. Guido, G. Sostero and N. Howes.To the question whether the celestial visitor poses a threat to Earth, very clear answer - so that absolutely calm - yet. But early - very rough - calculations, that comes at the end of November 2013 the comet approaches the Sun at a distance of 0.012 astronomical units - about two million kilometers. Very close. Comet sweep past Earth in late December 2013 - early January 2014. The minimum distance to it was 0.42 astronomical units - almost 62 million kilometers. Less than half the distance from the Earth to the Sun, but far enough away to not be afraid of a collision.True, not all astronomers believe that comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) remain. It is possible that on the approach to the Sun, it will collapse. As collapsed last August comet Elenin (C/2010 X1), open Leonid Elenin in 2010.- While we can only guess what will happen, - said Charles Bettems (Karl Battams) - representative of the project Sungrazer Comet Project, supported by NASA.A researcher comets Bortl John (John Bortle) noticed that the trajectory of a new comet is exactly the same flight path so-called Great Comet of 1680. He suggests that the comet and the old once were one - comet cyclopean proportions.Now, as it refers to the record:"... December 11 was a day in heaven, the pillar of cloud in the west of the bright star, and stood on the month of February ...""... Summer 7189 December 14 day, 1 hour of the night, was the star of the west pillar of the great to the top is wide and high, Thou bright ray vision daylight image, and went. The star with the radiance of January, up to 31 numbers, and went behind the sun ... "Comet, which received preliminary designation C/2012 S1 (ISON), astronomers discovered lovers - Artem Novichonok (Russia) and Vitaly Nevsky (Belarus). They noticed it on 21 September, the observation took place from the observatory in Kislovodsk. Later discoveries have confirmed - have already professional astronomers - in several countries.

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