יום שני, 29 באוקטובר 2012

Hurricane Sandy 2012

Hurricane "Sandy" in the United States, October 29, 2012. Full Moon.

U.S. authorities are preparing for the upcoming meeting of the country to the east coast hurricane, "Sandy", whose victims in the Caribbean are already about 60 people. President Barack Obama called on the population to take the impending storm very seriously.
Several states declared rizhim emergency, closed schools and halted public transportation. According to forecasts, the element will fall on areas with a population of several million people.
Experts fear that when "Sandy" will come to the bank, its power will increase significantly. Instead of the planned series of pre-election speech, President Obama addressed the people of the state on the east coast with a call to protect themselves and their loved ones. Scheduled meetings with voters overturned and his opponent, Republican candidate Mitt Romney
Major international airlines, including Air France, British Airways and Virgin Atlantic have canceled Monday transatlantic flights to New York, Baltimore, Newark, Washington, Boston and Philadelphia, and from these cities.
Full Moon. According to the National Hurricane Research Center USA, on Monday at 03:00 GMT on center "Sandy" was at a distance of approximately 760 km south-east of the city of New York.
With winds reaching speeds of 120 kilometers per hour the storm, which is also dubbed the "Frankenshtormom" can cause coastal flooding danger.
It is expected that on Monday, when the hurricane reaches land somewhere in the states of Virginia and New England, the wind speed increases. Meteorologists fear that the full moon hurricane "Sandy" could merge with another storm that is coming from the west, threatening dangerous tides.
Experts note the unusual width of the hurricane - to 835 km. It moves quite slowly - at a rate of 25 km per hour - in the direction of north-east USA and can cover nearly 12 states. It is believed that the storm will last 24-36 hours. According to the forecasts of meteorologists, the hurricane will bring heavy rains and snowfall, extreme storm conditions and power outages.
Emergency declared in Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington, and the coastal province of North Carolina.
The hurricane has made adjustments to the election campaigns of the two candidates for the U.S. presidency.
Republican candidate Mitt Romney canceled his Sunday speech in Virginia, and President Barack Obama - a meeting with voters in Virginia and Colorado.
Obama also canceled his appearance in the critically important for the outcome of the election in Ohio to be in the White House during the passage of the hurricane. However, he left in his schedule for Monday rally in Florida, to be attended by former President Bill Clinton.
During a Sunday visit to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the U.S., Obama has promised that his government's response to Hurricane "Sandy" will be a serious and timely.
New York City is preparing for "Sandy."
National Railroad Passenger Corporation Amtrak suspended U.S. trains on the north-east. In addition, nearly 7,000 canceled flights.
On Sunday in New York after seven in the evening local time stopped working underground, buses and trains. On Monday, all schools will be closed.
Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced the evacuation of 375,000 people from areas at risk of flooding. "If you do not move out of their homes, you endanger not only their lives but the lives of the rescuers, who will come to your aid," - he said. On Sunday, October 28 after the restoration that ran year, re-opened to the public the Statue of Liberty, but after the first round of army cadets it was closed again - at least until Wednesday.
On Monday, as well as, possibly, on Tuesday, will not work and the New York Stock Exchange.
Such precautions have been taken in the past year during the approach to the east coast hurricane "Irene". Killing more than 40 people in several states from North Carolina to Maine and caused damage of $ 10 billion.
From the message, "The forecast meteorologists at the hurricane season in the U.S.. Commentary astrologer." Publication-April 5, 2012.
If we consider the effect on the atmospheric processes in the Atlantic, from the perspective of astrology, we should note the following factors and stressful period. Jupiter will enter the sign of Gemini, the air element, June 11, 2012. In the method of "Astrology as a security system" - the period of transit of Jupiter on air sign correspond to active, powerful atmospheric processes and anomalies. Hurricane "Katrina" - USA-New-Orleans-2005-Jupiter in the sign of Libra. In a sign of Cancer, the element of water-Jupiter will June 26, 2013. Until that day, active sound elements of air, hurricanes, cyclones and anticyclones, tornado, tornadoes, typhoons, abnormal atmospheric processes.
July 3, 2012 Mars will enter the sign of Libra and will form the beginning of August 2012 - T-square to Uranus-Pluto in the cardinal signs. This intense planetary configuration means corresponds powerful atmospheric processes, hurricanes, tornadoes, tornadoes, storms, anomalous wind speed, seismic anomalies.
In addition, the U.S. horoscope, from June 2012 to 2015 inclusive, is projected exactly squaring Uranus and Pluto. This means the effect on the structure of the state, the economy, infrastructure, communication-intense powerful natural factors.

Typhoon causes rainstorms and gales in China

Huge waves in New Jersey "Sandy" is already knocking at the door of the U.S

News from Dead

Some Ghost come to us in our dreams only just to spread joy and happiness. Not all ghost come to warn of danger and mayhem to enter your life. They can also come to foretell of great joy and many good things to come. From the birth of a child or an answer to your prayers. In Marshall tells Lisa Lee Harp Waugh, we have often been told since childhood of the ghost of "Happy Sallie". Ms. Sallie as many call her is a the ghost of an older woman always seen with a big toothless smile on her face. So many say in Marshall that she presses her face against the windows of homes and even cars on rainy gloomy stormy nights. When you encounter her in a dream your life is in store for some wonderful changes for the better.
OLD HAG / Incubus / Succubus versus Sleep Paralysis
It describes an event where the person is sleeping and dreams that ghostly .... Victims may have been experiencing waking dreams or sleep paralysis. ...
www.hauntedamericatours.com / DEMONS / oldhag.php
Lucid dreaming is the conscious perception of one's state while loop dreaming. In this state a person usually has control over characters and the environment of the dream as well as the dreamer's own actions within the dream.The occurrence of lucid dreaming has been scientifically verified.
The recall of dreams is extremely unreliable, though it is a skill that can be trained. Dreams can usually be recalled if a person is awakened while dreaming. Women tend to have more frequent dream recall than men. Dreams that are difficult to recall may be characterized by relatively little affect, and factors such as salience, arousal, and interference play a role in dream recall. Often, a dream may be recalled upon viewing or hearing a random trigger or stimulus. A dream journal can be used to assist dream recall, for psychotherapy or entertainment purposes. For some people, vague images or sensations from the previous night's dreams are sometimes spontaneously experienced in falling asleep. However they are usually too slight and fleeting to allow dream recall.
In 1906 the famous German psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin published a monograph entitled Über Sprachstörungen im Traume (on language disturbances in dreams). In his psychiatry textbook Kraepelin used the short cut Traumsprache to denote language disturbances occurring in dreams. Traumsprache is probably best translated as dream speech (because the literal translation of 'dream language' would easily be confounded with the language of dreams, which refers to the visual means of representing thought in dreams).
Three types of dream speech were considered by Kraepelin: disorders of word-selection (also called paraphasias), disorders of discourse (eg agrammatisms) and thought disorders. The most frequent occurring form of dream speech is a neologism.
Kraepelin studied dream speech, because it provided him with clues to the analoguous language disturbances of schizophrenic patients.
A nightmare is a dream which causes a strong unpleasant emotional response from the sleeper, typically fear or horror, being in situations of extreme danger, or the sensations of pain, bad events, falling, drowning, being raped, becoming disabled, losing loved ones , unpleasant creatures or beings, getting attacked, getting eaten, squashed, diseased, burned, becoming frozen, murdered, or facing death. Such dreams can be related to physical causes such as a high fever, turned faced down on a pillow during sleep, or psychological ones such as psychological trauma or stress in the sleeper's life, or can have no apparent cause. If a person has experienced a psychologically traumatic situation in life-for example, a person who may have been captured and tortured-the experience may come back to haunt them in their nightmares. Sleepers may waken in a state of distress and be unable to get back to sleep for some time. Eating before bed, which triggers an increase in the body's metabolism and brain activity, is another potential stimulus for nightmares.
Occasional nightmares are commonplace, but recurrent nightmares can interfere with sleep and may cause people to seek medical help. A recently proposed treatment consists of imagery rehearsal or dream incubation. This technique was first described in Deirdre Barrett's book, Trauma and Dreams with cases of people suffering recurring nightmares of war, childhood abuse, adult rapes and natural disasters "incubating" or practicing imagery of a different outcome to the dream which involved mastering the threat. Two research studies have now shown this to be effective for both spontaneous, ideosyncratic nightmares and on nightmares in acute stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Nightmare was the original term for the state later known as waking dream (cf. Mary Shelley and Frankenstein's Genesis), and more currently as sleep paralysis, associated with rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. The original definition was codified by Dr Johnson in his A Dictionary of the English Language. Such nightmares were widely considered to be the work of demons and more specifically incubi, which were thought to sit on the chests of sleepers. In Old English the name for these beings was mare or mære (from a proto-Germanic * marōn, cf. Old Norse mara), hence comes the mare part in nightmare. The word might be etymologically cognate to Hellenic / Marōn / (in the Odyssey) and Sanskrit / Māra / (supernatural antagonist of the Buddha).
Folk belief in Newfoundland, South Carolina and Georgia describe the negative figure of the Hag who leaves her physical body at night, and sits on the chest of her victim. The victim usually wakes with a feeling of terror, has difficulty breathing because of a perceived heavy invisible weight on his or her chest, and is unable to move ie, experiences sleep paralysis. This nightmare experience is described as being "hag-ridden" in the Gullah lore. The "Old Hag" was a nightmare spirit in British and also Anglophone North American folklore.
Various forms of magic and spiritual possession were also advanced as causes. In nineteenth century Europe, the vagaries of diet were thought to be responsible. For example, in Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol, Ebenezer Scrooge attributes the ghost he sees to "... an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of an underdone potato ..." In a similar vein, the Household Cyclopedia (1881) offers the following advice about nightmares:
"Great attention is to be paid to regularity and choice of diet. Intemperance of every kind is hurtful, but nothing is more productive of this disease than drinking bad wine. Of eatables those which are most prejudicial are all fat and greasy meats and pastry. .. Moderate exercise contributes in a superior degree to promote the digestion of food and prevent flatulence; those, however, who are necessarily confined to a sedentary occupation, should particularly avoid applying themselves to study or bodily labor immediately after eating ... Going to bed before the usual hour is a frequent cause of night-mare, as it either occasions the patient to sleep too long or to lie long awake in the night. Passing a whole night or part of a night without rest likewise gives birth to the disease , as it occasions the patient, on the succeeding night, to sleep too soundly. Indulging in sleep too late in the morning, is an almost certain method to bring on the paroxysm, and the more frequently it returns, the greater strength it acquires; the propensity to sleep at this time is almost irresistible.
Night terrors are distinct from nightmares in several key ways. First, the subject is not fully asleep when the night terror occurs. Unlike nightmares, which are frequently dreams of a frightening nature, night terrors are not recalled dreams. Usually there is no situation or event (scary or otherwise) that is dreamed, but rather the emotion of fear itself is felt. Often, this is coupled with tension and apprehension without any distinct sounds or visual imagery, although sometimes a vague object of fear is identified by the sufferer. These emotions, generally without a focusing event or scenario, increase emotions in a cumulative effect. The night terrors can often be recalled by children as they get older. In some cases, the triggering emotion remains over time until they can nearly fully recall what it is that caused their hysteria. An example of this emotional trigger could be having to perform an impossible task (counting stars, counting the texture of dried paint, etc ...) or an image of some sort such as the folds of a human brain. The lack of a dream itself leaves those awakened from a night terror in a state of disorientation much more severe than that caused by a normal nightmare. This can include a short period of amnesia during which the subjects may be unable to recall their names, locations, ages, or any other identifying features of themselves.

Find your destiny file

It is impossible to miss out or mess up something that you are meant to experience. You cannot screw up your destiny.
Hopefully this is reassuring to you.
It may be especially reassuring if you are agonizing over a current decision or over-thinking a choice you already made. Fear of "choosing wrong" keeps you in states of limbo or regret. If you truly had faith in the knowing that you cannot screw up your destiny, would you trust your choices more? Would you trust that what is happening in your life is for your Highest good? And could you free yourself from paralysis by analysis?
Now you may be asking, "What about free will - don't we have that?" Absolutely we do! Having choice is what is so fun about being human. But what is not so fun about being human is questioning whether every choice we make is the "right" choice. Trust me, there are no "wrong" choices. There are simply consequences of each choice that shape the manner in which our destiny unfolds.
We think in life there is some "there" we are supposed to get to or some "something" we are supposed to do or some "someone" we are supposed to meet. We then believe that our destiny is defined by the there's, something's and someone's. And if we don't choose right, we'll miss out on the there's, something's and someone's.
Perhaps a more helpful way to perceive destiny is that it is more about what we are here to learn rather than getting to a there, doing a something or meeting a somebody.
Your life curriculum is a guarantee. You haven't and you can't mess it up.
But again, what about free will?
Free will shapes your destiny because the choices you make influence how and when you learn the lessons you are destined to learn and have the experiences you are destined to experience. For example, say it is part of your destiny to truly understand and embody courage. In order for that to happen, you will have to experience things that give you the opportunity to practice being courageous. Your choices along your life journey will impact how that happens. Maybe you will choose into a relationship that is difficult and you will have to find the courage to leave. Or maybe you will be in situations where you choose to speak your truth even if it is not accepted.
Imagine that your life is a treasure map and the pot of gold represents what you are destined to experience. The choices you make along the way simply impact the route you toward that pot of gold. There is not just one route to get there - there are many paths that you could possibly take. That means there are MANY choices you can make in your life, which will all eventually lead you to the same destination. Free will just impacts the how and when. But you can relax in the knowing that you will indeed reach the pot of gold.
The Uni-verse is always looking out for you. It will continue to send you opportunities to direct you toward your destiny. And if you miss a sign, It will keep sending you more.
You are never off course. You are never lost.
Sure you may feel a bit disorientated at times, but trust that your Higher Self knows your destiny and is your internal GPS. The more you are in communication with your Higher Self, rather than your ego, the more direct your route will be.
Trust that if there is something you are destined to experience, you will experience it.
Trust that if there are things you are destined to do, you will do them.
Trust that if there is someone you are destined to meet or be with, you will meet and be with him or her.
This does not mean that you can just stay home and wait for destiny to knock at your door. Part of what moves you along the treasure map of your life is taking action. Your destiny is not just a pot of gold at the end of your life. It is present each and every day.
Choose to accept everything you are experiencing in life and see it all as part of your destiny.
Choose to do things that are the most authentic expression of the Love that you are.
Choose to surround yourself with people that are aligned with your values ​​and create relationships based on Truth and Love.
But remember to CHOOSE. Being in paralysis by analysis because you are buying into the misunderstanding that you can somehow screw up your destiny is like pressing the pause button on your life. Press play!

Read - A Book of Beasts

White's The Bestiary: A Book of Beasts was the first and, for a time, the only English translation of a medieval bestiary. Bestiaries were second only to the Bible in their popularity and wide distribution during the Middle Ages. They were catalogs of animal stories, combining zoological information, myths, and legends. Great attention was given to bizarre, exotic, and monstrous creatures. Much of the content of bestiaries was drawn from much older sources including Aristotle, early English literature, and oral traditions. White provides an excellent appendix that explains how the creatures of the bestiary influenced the development of allegory and symbolism in art and literature.

Read - The book of life

Alesha Sivartha was a medical doctor, artist, lecturer and a deeply spiritual man. His writings and drawings speak clearly of his conviction in the oneness of Body and Mind, in the oneness of our Physical and Spiritual Constitutions.
The twelve chapters in The Book of Life correspond with Sivartha's twelve aspects of a well rounded human being. Almost all of his theories and mind maps boil down to the number Twelve (12). If his mind maps make your brain spin, refer back to this Table of Contents for clarification on his twelve fundamental themes. It was Dr. Sivartha's hope that all people of all ages would integrate one hour of our daily activities with the learning and practice of each of these twelve subjects.
RThe Book of Life is at once Scientific and Biblical: Evolutionist, Creationist, Messianic, and Spiritualist. All woven together to create a fascinating mixture of ancient and modern points of view. His father was a Hindu, his mother a Unitarian, and Sivartha believed that Science could finally answer the Deepest Mysteries to prove Religion. The Book of Life is dr. Alesha Sivartha's record of such Discoveries from 1859 to 1878. Some might call it Biblical Humanism with a Judaic twist; others call it Theosophy.
Whispers With Sivartha is the dream child of one of Sivartha's rare non-Christian descendents, his great-great-grandson, a California Buddhist with Spiritualist tendencies. Even so, I hope to distill practical ways for people of all faiths to live The Book of Life in this modern day.
Don Ross.

Lost in fairy

Lost in faery - Wandering in the magical thorn thickets of the mind
If you had unintentionally wandered into Faery, got lost there, subsequently found the way out and wanted to provide some kind of guide for other travellers, where would you start? Such was my dilemma when I was asked to write this article. Would it be wiser to start with the folklore and disentangle the historical reality behind various fairy beliefs, or take a more modern and trendy approach and try to make a connection between Jungian psychology, modern 'reconstructionist' mystics, earthlights and 'ufo abduction' phenomena ? It soon became clear that, whatever starting point I chose, all I could hope to achieve was an American-style, whistle-stop 'impressions of faery' tour, given the vast amount of material available on the subject. So I decided to take a very personal approach and see where my feet took me ...
It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive (probably at a hawthorn thicket, I rather suspect), so I went about my business for a few weeks, waiting for inspiration. Then, one day in Aberystwyth, I noticed a housing estate called, in Welsh, 'Afallon,' which had been translated (rather creatively, I thought) as 'Elysium.' This highlighted the question of whether it is possible to identify all otherworld locations as fairyland, and thus all otherworld beings (such as gods and monsters) as denizens of faery. Conversely, Robert Graves (1961) would have us believe that the case often cited as a classical faery encounter, Thomas of Ercildoune's journey into faery with the woman he hailed as the Virgin Mary and who called herself the 'Queene of Fair Elfland' (if we can believe the witness!) was really a witch queen and that he was in fact initiated into an ancient cult. Clearly, there was wide scope for interpretation and I felt that the more wide-ranging the approach, the more satisfactory the resulting overview would be. Ironically, later the same day, my companions and I found a ram that had got his horns caught in. . . a hawthorn bush. Stand aside Thomas the Rhymer!
Synchronicity did indeed seem to be in favour of fairies, as the trend continued; an item on BBC TV's Blue Peter reported recent sightings. It was a surprise to find that, contrary to my preconceptions, 'ordinary people' are still seeing fairies! The story which most impressed me was about a mother and daughter who both saw a small, classic Victorian-style fairy in their garden. She danced on a stone briefly and then vanished into thin air. This is a lovely story to tell children, but what were the witnesses actually seeing? Current theory seems to favour the view that any unusual phenomena will be interpreted by the individual according to their own and the cultural psyche. A more esoteric view would be that the fairy takes the form we find easiest to interpret. The fairy the witnesses saw could also have been some kind of Jungian expression of their happy relationship. In other words, what they saw need not necessarily have had any independent existence at all. This provoked the reflection that, if we accept that we can and should doubt what we see with our own eyes, is there any material evidence that fairies are 'real'?
If we turn to photography in the hope that it will provide us with concrete evidence of fairies, we encounter the infamous Cottingley hoax associated with no less a figure than Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (a researcher into the paranormal who fell prey to the common trap of accepting evidence supporting his theories rather too readily). Only many years later did one of the 'girls', now an old lady, reveal that the whole effect - including the appearance of motion - was achieved simply by cutting out some fairies from a picture book and sticking them on wire in the ground. However, one of the Cottingley girls also maintained until she died that she was trying to reproduce what she had actually seen, making it a sort of 'honest hoax'; it was obviously difficult to reveal the truth once so much attention had been attracted to the affair. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle does quote many other first-hand accounts of fairies in his book The Coming of the Fairies, all in line with the prevailing national perception (largely a medieval paradigm) of what pixies, fairies and leprechauns were. As for more modern fairy photographs, it should come as no real surprise that the fairies also mirror the appearance (or expectations?) Of the humans. We can only conclude from this that the case is not proven and learn a few salutary lessons about fakery and self-delusion and move on. . .
While Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was collecting stories about the 'little people' from witnesses, the Theosophist view was that these small, so-called 'elementals' were part of Nature and played a vital, spiritual role in the process of photosynthesis. Interestingly, the Theosophists described them as being capable of taking on various forms, but that their essential nature was a glowing ball with a pinpoint of light at the centre. This sounds very like an earthlight. The only person I know to have seen one reported to me that it was about the size of a football and appeared to demonstrate intelligence ie it appeared one night and, when ignored, reappeared the following night and seemed to be trying to attract his attention. Fairy or earthlight? The 'Findhorn settlers' followed on in this tradition in the hippy era and their initial success (in the form of growing unfeasibly large vegetables) bore witness that, as usual, there was something going on - but what was it? Modern psychologists might be tempted to posit a theory along the lines that a shared belief (or group delusion) and the resulting faith that help was being offered by supernatural beings could have produced a group psychic effect, which in turn produced tangible results. This can be labelled the power of prayer or, indeed, magic. You pays your money and you takes your choice. Ultimately, if it works, it works. It is only our orderly human minds which seek to impose a structure on the intangible workings of the Great Unseen. I think.
To move on to some slightly more solid ground, Jenny Randles' comments about UFO / UAP ('Unidentified Aerial Phenomena') investigations at the 1997 Leyhunters' Moot spring to mind here: 'All experiences of the unknown are filtered through the perceptions and preconceptions of the witness ': in other words,' something is out there, but nothing else can be determined by visual / witness evidence alone. 'In this vein, I make no excuses for my creative approach to the phenomenon we choose to label' Faery '; this overview will, inevitably, be a product of my own particular perspective and experience, which according to your own perspective and experience, you may or may not consider balanced. Do we understand each other? Then come with me, and I shall show you many wondrous things.
Mystic portals to Faery
May we embark upon these wanderings in the realm 'faery' on the assumption that, for the purposes of a short article such as this, we can concur with the Welsh translator and agree that any otherworld location, in the British tradition at least, ( Avalon, Elysium, fairyland, Annwn, the Fortunate Isles ...) can be seen as an aspect of fairyland? The denizens of faery have always appeared to humans in many different guises and there are as many ways open to us to approach their domain. I shall explore as many of them as I can in the space available, hoping to leave the reader with a good overview, and not lost in a thorn thicket! It so happens that Brian Froud and Alan Lee's picturebook on Faeries (Pan 1979) is on my bookshelf so I shall use that as the gateway to an otherworld full of creatures manifesting the national psyche in all its beauty and horror. A swift reconnoiss-ance of the territory reveals the following: there are various beasts (eg kelpies, selkies) and phenomena (eg corpse candles) associated with the otherworld, and a variety of 'little people' (eg knockers, cobbolds, urisks, dwarves, undines ...) but the underlying ideas of faery encounters are as follows:
1: faery folk are often attracted by / bring about human 'peak experiences,' and will often attempt to steal humans away to serve in Faery as lovers, musicians or poets.
2: Faery presents a dichotomy of threat to person coupled with benefits to be gained.
3: If treated with respect, the faeries will bestow gifts such as healing, prophecy and the creative arts. If these gifts are not valued or abused, they will be lost.
4: It is possible to escape from Faery, usually through being good and true-hearted, or the offices of a loved-one (eg Tam Lin). Sometimes the abductee returns home years or decades after disappearing into Faery (eg Rip Van Winkle). Others are happy to stay there.
The Shepherd of Myddfai
Welsh fairies (y tylwyth têg - the fair people) also frequented our world, and even married mortals and had children. A classic example of this kind of story is the Lady of Llyn y Fan. It is a perfect example of the genre and I make no excuses for quoting it at some length.
A young man tending sheep sees a faery woman bathing in Llyn y Fan. He fails to tempt her with hard or unbaked bread, but, at the third attempt, he lures her closer and woos her. She agrees to marry him and goes to fetch her father, the King of Faery, from the city in the lake. The suitor has to distinguish her from her identical sisters to win her, and does so when she thrusts one foot forward to reveal a particular way she has of tying her shoe. He may marry her on condition that he does not:
variant 1: strike her unjustly three times
variant 2: expect her to go into a church, strike her with iron and ask her name.
THEY live happily together for many years, prosper and have many sons. Eventually, the husband taps her with a horseshoe, stirrup or other iron object to gently encourage her to fetch a horse so they can ride to a funeral. She laughs at the funeral 'because now the dead man is out of care' and is hit gently to shut her up. She cries at a wedding 'because now their troubles begin' and is hit again / the husband asks her name so he can curse her for disgracing him. Whichever variant or variants one encounters, the three blows / conditions come to pass and she has to return to the lake, very reluctantly in this case. However, she does return to this world to bestow the gift of healing on her sons, who become the famous Physicians of Myddfai, healers to the Welsh kings.
This story has it all; the threads are easy to disentangle for anyone vaguely conversant with folklore and psychology: the 'faery' woman might have been a woman from another / indigenous tribe whom the men of one / invading tribe viewed as being possessed of some magical powers. If an adventuring newcomer wanted a wife, perhaps the best way of obtaining one was by persuasion and where better to approach a prospective wife than when she is bathing? The father in the story could be seen as showing some form of xenophobia in his requirements, but then again there is nothing wrong with a man having to prove himself either in feats of battle or intelligence and the suitor in question shows he has his wits about Him by picking the right woman. As to the 'magical' obligation to return to her own people should her husband 'abuse' her, this can be explained by the importance in primitive society of truth-telling and keeping promises. Quite simply, both parties could no longer live together once certain promises had been broken. Alternatively, this could also be seen as a demonstration of how difficult it was for different peoples with different moralities to co-exist. The motif of iron is a common one (eg lucky horseshoes), whose origin is usually seen as lying in the conflict between tribes, some using bronze and others using iron; the former would have seen the latter as dangerous and invincible, the latter would have learned that their iron weapons 'warded off' the people they came to see as 'faeries.' We are left with the elements of the Lady's unusual perspective of mortality and the documented fact that members of the same family were gifted herbal physicians. If we dismiss the otherworld origin of these skills, it is easy to posit a feminist theory to the effect that the story was concocted to justify male usurpation of the healing arts in the sixteenth century. In short, it is possible to deconstruct it and all substance disappears like a will'o the wisp! The Lady of the Lake The Myddfai story appears to share its origins with the Arthurian 'Lady of the Lake' story. In this case, of course, the gift of a magic sword from faery, whose magic sheath safeguards its owner (Freudians, don't get too excited please!), Which must be returned to the lake upon the death / incapacity for office of the human owner. It is an established fact that the Celts and other similar tribes sacrificed treasure - not to mention people - to lakes / lake spirits and, by applying the 'archaeology of the sources' guidebook, it is not hard to identify the underlying idea that divine kingship was magically bestowed by a female faery figure (another gift, in other words). I shall refrain from describing in any detail the 'myth archaeology' angle (king symbolically marries Ban Sidhe / Gwraig Annwn = patriarchy allies with matriarchy), but I should like to point out that in druid practice, this mystical marriage could take the form of the king symbolically marrying / being reborn of a white mare, which was often then sacrificed and the king and / or druids feasted on its flesh / slept on its hide to 'travel to faeryland' to gain wisdom from the experience. This ties in with the rivers of blood through which the Queen of Elfland travels with Thomas the Rhymer, and the symbol of the white horse is immortalised in the western psyche in the depiction of conquering heroes eg King Arthur and William of Orange to name but two.
Entrances to the Entranced Land
This reference to the druids brings us to the boundaries between esoteric ground and Paul Devereux and Jenny Randles territory. Where, asks the enquiring mind, would one be expected to enter the land of Faery? Lakes are prime contenders, as are burial mounds (which invader / newcomers no doubt saw, at some stage of the proceedings, as mysterious 'homes' of 'little men' so small they could fit in pots! - I thank Ron Fletcher for this contribution) and standing stones and circles, not to mention hawthorn thickets. . . In other words, we are clearly dealing with areas of 'earth power'; whether they are technically on 'spirit paths' or at 'nodes', these sites were used in the past as gateways to the otherworld, places where 'anoeth' ( 'not was', the timeless land) meets 'oeth' ('was', our reality). ('Anoeth bid bet y arthur', that much-quoted and furiously debated clue to the final resting place of Arthur becomes clear: Arthur has gone to faeryland, whence he came, at least in the mystical sense.) Here we also find earthlights , cases of 'pixilation' (now on the whole updated in the national psyche as encounters with aliens and space ships) and the phenomenon of special knowledge being imparted. Sometimes abductees feel threatened and think they have been subjected to operations or experiments. In films at least, abductees are returned home perhaps fifty years after their disappearance (the film Close Encounters of the Third Kind springs to mind). The parallels are quite clear and do not need to be laboured; obviously, we are still in danger of being caught in the trap of viewing a phenomenon that has always existed through the eyes of our current culture, like our ancestors before us.
And here we are at the Jungian signpost! Shall we follow this path for a while loop? Of course, the lady (anima) with the gifts (insight, self-awareness, 'feminine' talents and attributes) naturally comes from the lake, a classic substitute for a mirror, the symbol of introspection. ('Psyche' = 'mirror'. In legend, sometimes the treasure the hero seeks is revealed to be - apparently - a mirror: ie he has found his true self during his quest.) 'She' returns whence she came if abused, of course. This Jungian path wanders along more or less parallel to the pleasant, middle path leading neither to heaven nor hell where RJ Stewart acts as the guide; here, otherworld figures are seen as supernatural beings from whom valuable insight can be gained. They are sometimes encountered at significant sites but more often sought out by the use of creative visualisation (Matthews 1989; Stewart 1992). Similarly, Caitlin and John Matthews (1994) present these entities or archetypes as useful in meditation or they can be sought out as keepers of wisdom during shamanistic experiences. The central thicket we arrive at remains the same: great benefits can be gained from risky otherworldly encounters.
Blundering about in Faery
Here I must stress that I am not adept at this 'revivalist Celtic' technique, but certain cataclysmic personal experiences of a Celtic kind have taught me the virtue of the kind of structure which the Matthews and Mr Stewart inter alia provide. I imagine they would disapprove of how I blundered about in Faery to begin with, following my feet wherever my psyche led them. You see, when I started out on this road, I was ignorant of the Celtic spiritual revival, a logical human being who viewed all New-Ageyness with a mixture of bemusement and cynicism. That is why I feel qualified to report, as an independent witness, that the Faery experience is powerful and can be overwhelming. Where have I been? I have journeyed in the labyrinths, treacherous marshes and faery castles of my own mind, but I was sometimes most definitely not alone in there. . . the faeries / collective unconscious / spirit guides / ancestors ("The Them" as I affectionately call them) were in (?) / there with me. In fact, I was frightened at times until I realised that my Celtic heritage provided a system for understanding what I was experiencing. Have I returned from Faery with any gifts? I believe I have, and that they will speak for themselves. Have I actually seen a faery yet? No. And I do not, unlike the Doubting Thomasina I used to be, need to see them to know they are there. Besides, you can not always believe 'what your only five of your senses tell you, right? But I promise to let you know if I ever do - and never forget that a promise is a solemn bond to a Celt like me. . . Hwyl!

GRAVES, Robert, 1961, The White Goddess Faber & Faber.
MATTHEWS, Caitlín, 1989, Elements of the Celtic Tradition Element.
MATTHEWS, Caitlín and John, 1994, The Encyclopaedia of Celtic Wisdom, Element.
STEWART, R.J., 1992, Earth Light, Element.

Dance of nudibranch

The bottom-dwelling, jelly-bodied nudibranch (NEW-dih-bronk) might seem an unlikely canvas for Mother Nature to express her wildest indulgences of color and form. But these shell-less mollusks, part of the sea slug family, bear some of the most fascinating shapes, sumptuous hues, and intricate patterns of any animal on Earth.
There are more than 3,000 known species of nudibranch, and new ones are being identified almost daily. They are found throughout the world's oceans, but are most abundant in shallow, tropical waters. Their scientific name, Nudibranchia, means naked gills, and describes the feathery gills and horns that most wear on their backs.
Generally oblong in shape, nudibranchs can be thick or flattened, long or short, ornately colored or drab to match their surroundings. They can grow as small as 0.25 inches (6 millimeters) or as large as 12 inches (31 centimeters) long.
They are carnivores that slowly ply their range grazing on algae, sponges, anemones, corals, barnacles, and even other nudibranchs. To identify prey, they have two highly sensitive tentacles, called rhinophores, located on top of their heads. Nudibranchs derive their coloring from the food they eat, which helps in camouflage, and some even retain the foul-tasting poisons of their prey and secrete them as a defense against predators.
Nudibranchs are simultaneous hermaphrodites, and can mate with any other mature member of their species. Their lifespan varies widely, with some living less than a month, and others living up to one year.

Listen - Arabic and India Balance Mix by Tekiu

יום שבת, 27 באוקטובר 2012

Listen - ACHILLEA - Atacame

Your Travel

....In my dreams

Many people are often searching the internet to find out why the ghost of friends, family and actual people they don't even know appear in their dreams and nightmares. Real ghosts are thought to be able to transcend time and space. Many Paranormal web sites and investigators will tell you that they are believed to also come to us in our dreams. The belief that a real ghosts can get into our minds is actually not a new concept. In the Bible there are constant references to communication between ordinary men and women and God. they also tell of dreams between man and the angels, and between man and his higher self through the medium of dreams. The moral standards of the individual are often so reflected in the vivid clarity and haunting degrees of the quality of what actually occurs, and who appears in your dreams.
A night terror, also known as a sleep terror or pavor nocturnus, is a parasomnia disorder characterized by extreme terror and a temporary inability to regain full consciousness. The subject wakes abruptly from slow-wave sleep, with waking usually accompanied by gasping, moaning, or screaming. It is often impossible to awaken the person fully, and after the episode the subject normally settles back to sleep without waking. A night terror can rarely be recalled by the subject. They typically occur during non-rapid eye movement sleep.
If someone that you know has recently died, the reality of them that person appearing in your in a dream as a ghost is more then likely. Many call it a letting go process or consider it to be just a dream and not the actual person returning with some urgent message or news from the other side. These types of dreams may carry a slightly different meaning than ancestral visitation dreams. But the fear of these ghosts and the not totally understood manning makes many wonder have they actually seen a real ghost in their dreams.
These types of dreams may symbolize your personal mourning or unprocessed grief over the loss of that person.
They too often can also sometimes symbolize guilty feelings in relation to that person - words left unspoken, not having said goodbye properly, or even guilt over being angry that the person died.
On a more haunted paranormal understanding is that these ghost filled dreams may also be actual ghostly visitations. the said ghost in your dream comes to finish the business that they had should have taken great care of before the person died.
Many real Ghosts are often associated with paranormal activities such as haunting's and haunted places or recent or upcoming events. And a real familiar persons ghost coming to you might mean a factor of trust in their words or image is what you need to believe to make sure you are on the right path.
Dreams are a series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. The content and purpose of dreams are not fully understood, though they have been a topic of speculation and interest throughout recorded history. The scientific study of dreams is known as oneirology.
Dreams have a long history, both as a subject of conjecture and as a source of inspiration. Throughout history, people have sought meaning in dreams or divination through dreams. They have been described physiologically as a response to neural processes during sleep, psychologically as reflections of the subconscious, and spiritually as messages from God or predictions of the future. Many cultures have practiced dream incubation, with the intention of cultivating dreams that were prophetic or contained messages from the divine.
Judaism has a traditional ceremony called "hatavat halom" - literally meaning making the dream a good one. Through this rite disturbing dreams can be transformed to give a positive interpretation by a rabbi or a rabbinic court.

Fear of abandonment

What is abandoholism?
You've heard of food-oholism, work-oholism, shop-oholism and, of course, alcoholism. Now here comes another, most insidious, addictive pattern - aband-oholism. Abandoholism is one of Outer Child's most insidious patterns.
Abandoholism is a tendency to become attracted to unavailable partners. Many abandonment survivors are caught up in this painful pattern.
Abandoholism is similar to the other 'oholisms, but instead of being addicted to a substance, you're addicted to the emotional drama of heartbreak. You pursue hard-to-get partners to keep the romantic intensity going, and to keep your body's love-chemicals and stress hormones flowing.
What makes someone an abandoholic?
Abandoholism sets in when you've been hurt so many times that you've come to equate insecurity with love. Unless you're pursuing someone you're insecure about, you don't feel in love.
Conversely, when someone comes along who wants to be with you, that person's availability fails to arouse the required level of insecurity. If you can't feel those yearning, lovesick feelings, then you don't feel attracted, so you keep pursuing unavailable partners.
You become psychobiologically addicted to the high stakes drama of an emotional challenge and the love-chemicals that go with it.
Abandoholism is driven by both fear of abandonment and fear of engulfment.
When you're attracted to someone, it arouses a fear of losing that person. This fear causes you to become clingy and needy. You try to hide your insecurity, but your desperation shows through, causing your partners to lose romantic interest in you. They sense your emotional suction cups aiming straight toward them and it scares them away.
Fear of engulfment is at the opposite end of the spectrum. It occurs when someone is pursuing you and now you're the one pulling back. You feel engulfed by that person's desire to be with you. When fear of engulfment kicks in, you panic. Your feelings shut down. You no longer feel the connection. The panic is about your fear of being engulfed by the other person's emotional expectations of you. You fear that the other person's feelings will pressure you to abandon your own romantic needs.
Fear of engulfment is one of the most common causes for the demise of new relationships, but it is carefully disguised in excuses like: "He just doesn't turn me on." Or "I don't feel any chemistry." Or " She's too nice to hold my interest. "Or" I need more of a challenge. "
Abandoholics tend to swing back and forth between fear of abandonment and fear of engulfment. You're either pursuing hard-to-get-lovers, or you're feeling turned off by someone who IS interested in you.
What is Abando-phobism?
Abandophobics are so afraid of rejection that they avoid relationships altogether.
Abandophobics act out their fear of abandonment by remaining socially isolated, or by appearing to search for someone, when in fact they are pursuing people who are unattainable, all to avoid the risk of getting attached to a real prospect - someone who might abandon them sooner or later.
There is a little abandophobism in every abandoholic.
For both abandoholics and abandophobics, a negative attraction is more compelling than a positive one.
You only feel attracted when you're in pursuit. You wouldn't join any club who would have you as a member, so you're always reaching for someone out of reach.
How do abandoholism and abandophobism set in?
These patterns may have been cast in childhood. You struggled to get more attention from your parents but you were left feeling unfulfilled, which caused you to doubt your self-worth. Over time, you internalized this craving for approval and you learned to idealize others at your own expense. This became a pattern in your love-relationships.
Now as an adult, you recreate this scenario by giving your love-partners all of your power, elevating them above yourself, recreating those old familiar yearnings you grew accustomed to as a child. Feeling emotionally deprived and "less-than" is what you've come to expect.
Why does the insecurity linger?
Recent scientific research shows that rather than dissipate, fear tends to incubate, gaining intensity over time. Insecurity increases with each romantic rejection, causing you to look to others for something you've become too powerless to give yourself: esteem. When you seek acceptance from a withholding partner, you place yourself in a one-down position, recreating the unequal dynamics you had with your parents or peers. You choreograph this scenario over and over.
Conversely, you are unable to feel anything when someone freely admires or appreciates you.
This abandonment compulsion is insidious. You did not know it was developing. Until now you didn't have a name for it: Abandoholism is a new concept.
Insecurity is an aphrodisiac.
If you are a hard-core abandoholic, you're drawn to a kind of love that is highly combustible. The hottest sex is when you're trying to seduce a hard-to-get lover. Insecurity becomes your favorite aphrodisiac. These intoxicated states are produced when you sense emotional danger - the danger of your lover's propensity to abandon you the minute you get attached.
At the other end of the seesaw, you turn off and shut down when you happen to successfully win someone's love. If your lover succumbs to your charms - heaven forbid - you suddenly feel too comfortable, too sure of him to stay interested. There's not enough challenge to sustain your sexual energy. You interpret your turn-off as his not being right for you.
How about following your gut?
If you're an abandoholic, following your gut is probably what got you into these patterns in the first place. Your gut gets you to pursue someone who makes your heart go pitter pat, not because he's the right one, but because he arouses fear of abandonment. And your gut gets you to avoid someone who is truly trustworthy, because he doesn't press the right insecurity buttons.
Enrich your mind. Follow your wisdom. But until you overcome your abandonment compulsion, don't follow your gut - it will only get you into trouble - because your gut tells you that unavailable people are attractive

Fear distorts the space

Snake crawling on the person can be more than he seems. Fear can distort the perception of approaching objects, making the distance to underestimate the threat. These are the findings of a study published in the journal Current Biology.
"Our results suggest that emotions and perception is not completely separable in the mind - says psychologist at Emory University (Ga.), co-author of the study. - Fear can affect the very basis of how we perceive the world around us. These results are important for understanding the clinical phobias. "
Lorenzo led the research with Matthew Longo, a psychologist from Birkbeck College (University of London).
Usually a person is well developed as understanding when approaching the object will be selected him closely, and the reaction in the form of evasion or block object if necessary. The researchers conducted an experiment to test the effect of fear on the accuracy of these skills.
Participants in the study assessed the time to "touch" them the images on a computer screen. Pictures increased in size during the second, simulating the approach of an object. Each subject had to press a button at a time when it seemed the object could "encounter" with him.
Participants were more likely to underestimate the time to approach frightening objects, such as a snake or a spider. If scary objects, such as the approach of a rabbit or a butterfly, an underestimation was not.
"We have shown that the type of the object affects the perception of his approach. If we fear something, we believe that it will get to us soon" - says Longo.
"The most amazing thing is - adds Lorenzo - that we can predict how the subject closer contact time opredeyaya the level of fear of the object. The more a person is afraid, for example, spiders, the more it" moves "time approach."
While we can not say exactly what the cause of this underestimation. We may think that the terrible object is moving faster than it really is. Perhaps the fear of increasing the size of the "personal space", "which is usually limited to a length of an arm.
"We plan to determine the true cause for further research. This will allow us to shed light on the mechanics of the basic aspects of spatial perception and the processes that underlie specific phobias" - said Lorenzo.


Mainstream science describes reality as "the state of things as they actually exist". One simple interpretation of this very broad definition is this: reality is everything we observe to be real.
 But hang on - We consciously observe the lucid dream world, so does that make it a genuine reality?
 Just how many realities are there - yours, mine, his, hers? As Einstein suggested, is every form of reality merely an illusion? Is nothing real?

Let's start by looking at how the human brain perceives reality, and how this can give way to subjective experience.
The human brain is split into two distinct halves: the right brain and the left brain. They have completely separate roles and agendas. Some would even say they have separate personalities. However, in order to function, the two halves of the human brain must communicate as one via the corpus callosum.
The right brain is all about the present moment, right here, right now. It thinks entirely in pictures and learns through the kinesthetic movement of your body. It absorbs energy from the world around you and translates that into information for your sensory systems. It does not know the difference between your individual consciousness and the world around you. The right brain only sees one universal energy field of awareness.
The left brain is a very different place. It thinks linearly and methodically. It picks out countless details from the events in the past and makes calculated predictions about the future. The left hemisphere thinks in language, which creates your internal voice. Crucially, it makes you aware of your existence, as a separate being from the mass energy field perceived by the right brain.
Imagine if the human brain had evolved with only the functions of the right hemisphere. Your perception of reality would be completely different. You would be drifting around in a universe filled with energy in the here and now, with no perception of the past and future. You would not know where your body ended and the ground began, or the difference between you and me.
This is a very different perception of the world. But would it be a more accurate representation of reality? Knowing this about the human brain, the question "what is reality?" changes form. It now hinges on your having individual perception. This has led to multiple theories of reality by various philosophers and scientists.
Types of Reality
Phenomenological reality is based on subjective experience. Whatever you observe is instantly real to you. This theory of reality means that unreality is non-existent. Therefore lucid dreams, hallucinations, spiritual experiences, and astral travel are all forms of one subjective reality.
Consensus reality is based on the opinions and observations made by a group of people. A few individuals may decide on an interpretation of an event, which spreads across entire societies and becomes a consensual truth. Religion is a good example of a socially constructed reality.Non-reality simply means that there is no such thing as objective reality. Every possible observation or interpretation is tainted by subjectivity and therefore does not constitute truth. Nothing is real! This is supported by quantum theory, which states that prior to observation, nothing can be said about a physical system (read In Search of Schrodinger's Cat by John Gribbin for an excellent introduction to this topic). This theory is further backed by the Double Slit Experiment, which suggests our mere observation changes the outcome.

So what is reality? A computer simulation? A multiverse? Or is our human brain perceiving just one possible interpretation of the ultimate reality?
Philosophers will be stuck on this one for a while. Our understanding of the universe is very much limited to our own capacity for understanding ... The truth is out there - and it is probably much crazier than we can imagine

?Where the people disappear

Every three minutes on Earth disappears one person. Among the reasons - domestic, criminal, and the like - a special group in the sad statistics settled mysterious disappearances, mysterious, unexplained. On them will be discussed in this collection.In December 2011, the United States and two children almost the same age and at the same time lost their homes.In the state of South Carolina disappeared 21 months Jason Barton, last time the boy's mother saw him in the evening, before going to take a shower in the bathroom. When she came out of the shower, the baby was not there already.Assuming that the boy went into the street, she runs around all around, alerted the police and neighbors. More than 200 people took part in the search for the child. A day later, on a rainy cold weather finally found the baby. He was sleeping ... 5.5 mile from the house by the river, much to the astonished rescuers and police.According to the sheriff, the child of that age can hardly go somewhere further than a mile. More so in the evening when it's dark.Jason immediately taken to the hospital and examined. Doctors found he had no abnormalities and damage.Meanwhile, in Maine, the 20-month-old girl Ayla Reynolds vanished from her bedroom during the same time in which the missing boy from South Carolina. Police and parents find it difficult to tell the exact time of the disappearance of the child, since the last time they saw the girl when it was put to sleep at night in her room. Morning at 8:00 am, they found an empty bed in the bedroom. There were no traces of tampering or traces of strangers. Around the left, that kid went out of the house.Police searched the entire neighborhood. There is not as deep and dense forest, so they can skip the child, but no one to be found. At the moment, the search for the girl continued.In the history of mankind's many cases of disappearances. One of the oldest was registered in XVII century in Novgorod Chronicle. Kirilov Monastery monk disappeared during the meal. Chronicler also wrote about a controversial tradeswoman Monkey Kozlihe, which in the eyes of the people in the market day was gone, right on the square of Suzdal, what the people were saying that it, they say, "the devil took away."In more recent times, the most famous victim of disappearance was Lucien Buse, a neighbor of Dr. Bonneville. It was in 1867 in Paris. Lucien evening came to a doctor, so he looked at it and to consult about weakness. Bonneville to conduct examination, the patient told to undress and lie down on the couch. And he went to get a stethoscope lying on a table. Then, going to the couch, the patient was not found. Only the clothes on the chair remained Buse. Immediately, the doctor decided that he had gone to his home, and he went to the patient, but no one answered. Bonneville said to the police, but the search yielded nothing, a man with no clothes missing.Another mysterious disappearance case occurred in 1880 in America. Local farmer David Lang and his wife and children sat in the yard. Seeing close to home the crew of his friend, David hastened to meet him, and suddenly disappeared in front of the family. Wife and neighbors carefully examined the place where literally vanished Mr Lang, but did not find anything but the spot is not known from what yellowed grass. Ironically, since the day pets, living on a farm, avoided a mysterious place party.December 12, 1910 25-year-old niece, a judge of the U.S. Supreme Court and a prominent social worker Dorothy Arnold at 11 am out of her luxurious mansion on East 79th Street in New York City to buy a formal dress. About two o'clock in the afternoon, she met her friend on Fifth Avenue - Gladys Keith, girls chatted and parted. In parting, Dorothy Arnold cheerfully waved - and it is no longer seen.Similar stories are relatively often in different countries, on land, at sea and in the air, in homes, on the streets, forests, fields, in transport. 14 people witnessed the disappearance in the bus, which was traveling from Albany to Bennington December 1, 1949. People saw a soldier James Thetford took his place, and after the bus drove off, immediately fell asleep. On the way, the bus never stopped, and when he arrived in Bennington, on the site of James was a crumpled newspaper and bag. The police investigation was inconclusive. As, however, and 26 years later, when in 1975 the young women went missing and Martha Wright. Jackson Wright and his wife Martha was driving his car in New Jersey in the center of New York, in Manhattan. Was heavy snow, and they hid from the weather in the Lincoln Tunnel. Wright came to clear the snow from the car. March wiped back with dripping, and her husband - the wind. Upon completion of the work of Jackson Wright looked up and saw his wife.If the loss of one person can try to give at least a more or less logical explanation, with the mass extinction and it is even more mysterious.B 1915, during the First World War, when the British were fighting in the Balkans, 145 well-trained soldiers Norfolk battalion moved toward the enemy. Stayed on as comrades-in-arms have testified if 'battalion was suddenly enveloped in a dense fog. When the fog cleared, there was not a soldier. People simply disappeared.A year later, thousands of miles from this place, near the French village of Amiens, lost company of German soldiers. The English attacked the German positions, were surprised when the opponent did not make a single shot response. When the English department was included in Amiens, it turned out that the German soldiers somehow left the trenches. In this charged guns are still in place, the fire was drying clothes and shoes, in kettles bubbling soup.There have been cases where entire communities disappeared. In 1930, Joe Labelle miner decided to visit one of the Eskimo villages in northern Canada. He once worked in these places. So Joe went into the village, but sleep was empty, no one has ever been, everywhere silence. One gets the impression as if the villagers had disappeared instantly, without having completed his business in the house. There was a fire, pots filled with food. Thus all things, including rifles, without which the Eskimos never went far from the village, remained in place. In the huts lay nedoshitaya clothes, it had been inserted needles. Thinking that perhaps people have gone down the river, Labelle sent to the pier. Kayaks were also in place. But the most surprising was that the Eskimos somehow left in the village dogs, animals were carefully tied, and, judging by the fact that huskies were not hungry, people disappeared recently. Labelle notified police about the strange case. During the week, the area around the village carefully combed, but no trace of the missing people have not found.In 1935, the population of the island mysteriously disappeared Elmolo in Kenya. To find missing people Elmolo, was called a plane. But the search proved fruitless.March 5, 1991 at 4 pm Venezuelan jet "DC-9" took off from the international airport of Maracaibo (350 miles from Caracas). It was an ordinary flight. After 35 minutes the plane was due to arrive in another major center of the oil industry in western Venezuela, Santa Barbara. However, after 25 minutes of the flight was lost radio contact with the ground, although air traffic management has not received any distress calls. News Agency published hacks with 38 missing people, including a child, and five crew members. Day on the same course flying search plane, then a helicopter, but they did not see any signs at the bottom of the crash.24-year-old Rebecca Koriam disappeared in March from aboard a luxury ocean liner whom the Disney Wonder, commits a cruise trip from the U.S. to Mexico. The vessel had 2,400 passengers and 945 crew members. She worked on the ship for youth animator. One morning she did not come to work. Rebecca's cabin was empty. No trace of the girl was found. And after a few months of searching, which may have failed, it was concluded that she had committed suicide by jumping overboard. But her parents, Mike and Ann Koriam, conducted his own investigation and found that last year alone during sea cruises lost 11 people. And since 1995, the number of missing persons is 165! And never managed to track down these people.Unfortunately, Rebecca's parents have not been able to bring the investigation to the end. According to Mike Koriama, he and his wife faced enormous opposition: cruise companies have spent millions of dollars to not detail what was done, and the true cause of disappearance remains a mystery.In 2004, with the ship "Mercury", floating toward Alaska, disappeared 40 years Marian Carver. All things in the passenger cabin remained in place. Father Kendall Carver woman hired private investigators, but the search proved fruitless.That same year, the ship "Silver Cloud Silversea" missing 48-year-old citizen of Switzerland Rama Forman. This occurred in the Arabian Sea. Lack passenger noticed during the approach to the port of Mumbai. Cabin Mrs. Foreman was locked from the inside, but the woman was not there. Relatives do not believe in suicide, as shortly before Rama called his sister and discussed her plans for a family celebration.Last year, from the ship "Thomson Ship Spirit", cruises on the Red Sea, lost 63, John Helfort. Eve of extinction John called his wife. According to her, he was in a good mood.In October 1944, members of the U.S. Coast Guard boarded the Cuban vessel "Rubicon." They were met by a half-dead dog. More on board was empty. Personal belongings of the crew were in the cabins. Ship itself was fine, but he was cut off towing rope and missing all the lifeboats. was completely unclear what made the crew to abandon ship.In 2003, the Coast Guard plane Australia discovered Indonesian schooner "Hi Em 6?, Which holds were full of caught mackerel. Where are the 14 sailors - a mystery. In the same area, but in 2006 there was absolutely deserted tanker" Yang Seung. " In the same year found no people, Coast Guard Italy have detained two-masted sailing ship "Bel Amica" off the coast of Sardinia.In January 2008, the press service of the Russian Transport Ministry reported a loss of connection with the Russian vessel "Kapitan Uskov" move from Hong Kong Finds No freighter or 17 members of its crew were never found. Was only in February of that year, Japan's coast guard found deserted Rescue Motorboat with a missing ship.Similar incidents have always been, but the answer to the question about their reasons no one has so far. One version appeared in 1937. While passing on the Kara Sea hydrographic vessel "Taimyr" one of the experts pointed out that when he approaches the ear sounding balloon, filled with hydrogen, felt a sharp pain in the eardrum. When he moved the ball, the pain goes away. Located on the "Taimyr" Hydrophysics Vladimir Shuleikin interested in this strange effect, calling it "the voice of the sea." According to him, the wind in a storm creates not audible to our ears, but harmful to human LF infrasonic vibrations. At frequencies below 15 Hz exposure increases, there is disorder of brain centers, such as vision, and at a frequency of less than seven hertz people may even die.Modern research has confirmed that the application of infrasound animals and people experience anxiety and irrational fear. But a storm is generated infrasound at a frequency of about six hertz. If the intensity of vibration is less lethal, on the crew of the breaking waves of unfounded fear, terror and panic. This condition is enhanced even more if the ship itself, with all its equipment is in resonance and becomes a secondary source of infrasound, under whose influence distraught people throwing everything, run the ship.The case of the American William nave baffles anyone who undertakes to explain (or "expose"), the mysterious disappearances ...During his speech, the magician Nave accidentally discovered his unique gift ... Once in front of the shocked public, he disappeared into thin air and become invisible.Speaking at the scene, the illusionist magically made to disappear any items up to a couple of live leopards, but hardly anyone could match William nave, made in the 60's sensational trick his disappearance.For the first time it happened during a performance in Chicago.The second time - when the nave was at home, and suddenly, without warning (as he put it, "accidentally"), disappeared into thin air, and then appeared again to his wife, the reaction is hardly enthusiastic.The third such incident occurred during a performance at the theater Nef "Paramount" in New York. Among the spectators was accidentally radioreporter Knebel. Such a witness could only dream of, because everyone knew about his active opposition to the supernatural.Later in his book, "The path beyond the universe" Knebel shared personal experiences. According to him, the figure began to lose Nef visible outlines - until it became completely transparent. But what is most surprising - his voice has not undergone the slightest change, and yet the audience holds its breath, listened to every word.But as Knebel describes it, "return": "Gradually tread vague outline - like sloppy pencil sketch."Ironically nave no idea about his unique gift and did not even notice that it becomes invisible. Not to mention the fact that they manage, and to tell the world about another open secret ...

Ancient Egyptian Magic


In Egyptian myth, magic (heka) was one of the forces used by the creator to make the world. Through heka, symbolic actions could have practical effects. All deities and people were thought to possess this force in some degree, but there were rules about why and how it could be used.Priests were the main practitioners of magic in pharaonic Egypt, where they were seen as guardians of a secret knowledge given by the gods to humanity to 'ward off the blows of fate'. The most respected users of magic were the lector priests, who could read the ancient books of magic kept in temple and palace libraries. In popular stories such men were credited with the power to bring wax animals to life, or roll back the waters of a lake.Statue of Sekhmet © Real lector priests performed magical rituals to protect their king, and to help the dead to rebirth. By the first millennium BC, their role seems to have been taken over by magicians (hekau). Healing magic was a speciality of the priests who served Sekhmet, the fearsome goddess of plague.Lower in status were the scorpion-charmers, who used magic to rid an area of ​​poisonous reptiles and insects. Midwives and nurses also included magic among their skills, and wise women might be consulted about which ghost or deity was causing a person trouble.Amulets were another source of magic power, obtainable from 'protection-makers', who could be male or female. None of these uses of magic was disapproved of - either by the state or the priesthood. Only foreigners were regularly accused of using evil magic. It is not until the Roman period that there is much evidence of individual magicians practising harmful magic for financial reward.


Detail from an ivory wand © Dawn was the most propitious time to perform magic, and the magician had to be in a state of ritual purity. This might involve abstaining from sex before the rite, and avoiding contact with people who were deemed to be polluted, such as embalmers or menstruating women. Ideally, the magician would bathe and then dress in new or clean clothes before beginning a spell.Metal wands representing the snake goddess Great of Magic were carried by some practitioners of magic. Semi-circular ivory wands - decorated with fearsome deities - were used in the second millennium BC. The wands were symbols of the authority of the magician to summon powerful beings, and to make them obey him or her.Private collections of spells were treasured possessions, handed down within families.Only a small percentage of Egyptians were fully literate, so written magic was the most prestigious kind of all. Private collections of spells were treasured possessions, handed down within families. Protective or healing spells written on papyrus were sometimes folded up and worn on the body.A spell usually consisted of two parts: the words to be spoken and a description of the actions to be taken. To be effective all the words, especially the secret names of deities, had to be pronounced correctly. The words might be spoken to activate the power of an amulet, a figurine, or a potion. These potions might contain bizarre ingredients such as the blood of a black dog, or the milk of a woman who had born a male child. Music and dance, and gestures such as pointing and stamping, could also form part of a spell.


Headrest of a scribe protected with protective deities including the god Bes, who warded off evil demons from the headrest's owner as he slept © Angry deities, jealous ghosts, and foreign demons and sorcerers were thought to cause misfortunes such as illness, accidents, poverty and infertility. Magic provided a defence system against these ills for individuals throughout their lives.Stamping, shouting, and making a loud noise with rattles, drums and tambourines were all thought to drive hostile forces away from vulnerable women, such as those who were pregnant or about to give birth, and from children - also a group at risk, liable to die from childhood diseases.Some of the ivory wands may have been used to draw a protective circle around the area where a woman was to give birth, or to nurse her child. The wands were engraved with the dangerous beings invoked by the magician to fight on behalf of the mother and child. They are shown stabbing, strangling or biting evil forces, which are represented by snakes and foreigners.Supernatural 'fighters, such as the lion-dwarf Bes and the hippopotamus goddess Taweret, were represented on furniture and household items. Their job was to protect the home, especially at night when the forces of chaos were felt to be at their most powerful.Bes and Taweret also feature in amuletic jewellery. Egyptians of all classes wore protective amulets, which could take the form of powerful deities or animals, or use royal names and symbols. Other amulets were designed to magically endow the wearer with desirable qualities, such as long life, prosperity and good health.
HealingMagic was not so much an alternative to medical treatment as a complementary therapy. Surviving medical-magical papyri contain spells for the use of doctors, Sekhmet priests and scorpion-charmers. The spells were often targeted at the supernatural beings that were believed to be the ultimate cause of diseases. Knowing the names of these beings gave the magician power to act against them.Since demons were thought to be attracted by foul things, attempts were sometimes made to lure them out of the patient's body with dung; at other times a sweet substance such as honey was used, to repel them. Another technique was for the doctor to draw images of deities on the patient's skin. The patient then licked these off, to absorb their healing power.Acting out the myth would ensure that the patient would be cured ...Many spells included speeches, which the doctor or the patient recited in order to identify themselves with characters in Egyptian myth. The doctor may have proclaimed that he was Thoth, the god of magical knowledge who healed the wounded eye of the god Horus. Acting out the myth would ensure that the patient would be cured, like Horus.Collections of healing and protective spells were sometimes inscribed on statues and stone slabs (stelae) for public use. A statue of King Ramesses III (c.1184-1153 BC), set up in the desert, provided spells to banish snakes and cure snakebites.A type of magical stela known as a cippus always shows the infant god Horus overcoming dangerous animals and reptiles. Some have inscriptions describing how Horus was poisoned by his enemies, and how Isis, his mother, pleaded for her son's life, until the sun god Ra sent Thoth to cure him. The story ends with the promise that anyone who is suffering will be healed, as Horus was healed. The power in these words and images could be accessed by pouring water over the cippus. The magic water was then drunk by the patient, or used to wash their wound.


Though magic was mainly used to protect or heal, the Egyptian state also practised destructive magic. The names of foreign enemies and Egyptian traitors were inscribed on clay pots, tablets, or figurines of bound prisoners. These objects were then burned, broken, or buried in cemeteries in the belief that this would weaken or destroy the enemy.In major temples, priests and priestesses performed a ceremony to curse enemies of the divine order, such as the chaos serpent Apophis - who was eternally at war with the creator sun god. Images of Apophis were drawn on papyrus or modelled in wax, and these images were spat on, trampled, stabbed and burned. Anything that remained was dissolved in buckets of urine. The fiercest gods and goddesses of the Egyptian pantheon were summoned to fight with, and destroy, every part of Apophis, including his soul (ba) and his heka. Human enemies of the kings of Egypt could also be cursed during this ceremony.Magical figurines were thought to be more effective if they incorporated something from the intended victim, such as hair, nail-clippings or bodily fluids.This kind of magic was turned against King Ramesses III by a group of priests, courtiers and harem ladies. These conspirators got hold of a book of destructive magic from the royal library, and used it to make potions, written spells and wax figurines with which to harm the king and his bodyguards. Magical figurines were thought to be more effective if they incorporated something from the intended victim, such as hair, nail-clippings or bodily fluids. The treacherous harem ladies would have been able to obtain such substances but the plot seems to have failed. The conspirators were tried for sorcery and condemned to death.