יום שבת, 27 באוקטובר 2012

....In my dreams

Many people are often searching the internet to find out why the ghost of friends, family and actual people they don't even know appear in their dreams and nightmares. Real ghosts are thought to be able to transcend time and space. Many Paranormal web sites and investigators will tell you that they are believed to also come to us in our dreams. The belief that a real ghosts can get into our minds is actually not a new concept. In the Bible there are constant references to communication between ordinary men and women and God. they also tell of dreams between man and the angels, and between man and his higher self through the medium of dreams. The moral standards of the individual are often so reflected in the vivid clarity and haunting degrees of the quality of what actually occurs, and who appears in your dreams.
A night terror, also known as a sleep terror or pavor nocturnus, is a parasomnia disorder characterized by extreme terror and a temporary inability to regain full consciousness. The subject wakes abruptly from slow-wave sleep, with waking usually accompanied by gasping, moaning, or screaming. It is often impossible to awaken the person fully, and after the episode the subject normally settles back to sleep without waking. A night terror can rarely be recalled by the subject. They typically occur during non-rapid eye movement sleep.
If someone that you know has recently died, the reality of them that person appearing in your in a dream as a ghost is more then likely. Many call it a letting go process or consider it to be just a dream and not the actual person returning with some urgent message or news from the other side. These types of dreams may carry a slightly different meaning than ancestral visitation dreams. But the fear of these ghosts and the not totally understood manning makes many wonder have they actually seen a real ghost in their dreams.
These types of dreams may symbolize your personal mourning or unprocessed grief over the loss of that person.
They too often can also sometimes symbolize guilty feelings in relation to that person - words left unspoken, not having said goodbye properly, or even guilt over being angry that the person died.
On a more haunted paranormal understanding is that these ghost filled dreams may also be actual ghostly visitations. the said ghost in your dream comes to finish the business that they had should have taken great care of before the person died.
Many real Ghosts are often associated with paranormal activities such as haunting's and haunted places or recent or upcoming events. And a real familiar persons ghost coming to you might mean a factor of trust in their words or image is what you need to believe to make sure you are on the right path.
Dreams are a series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. The content and purpose of dreams are not fully understood, though they have been a topic of speculation and interest throughout recorded history. The scientific study of dreams is known as oneirology.
Dreams have a long history, both as a subject of conjecture and as a source of inspiration. Throughout history, people have sought meaning in dreams or divination through dreams. They have been described physiologically as a response to neural processes during sleep, psychologically as reflections of the subconscious, and spiritually as messages from God or predictions of the future. Many cultures have practiced dream incubation, with the intention of cultivating dreams that were prophetic or contained messages from the divine.
Judaism has a traditional ceremony called "hatavat halom" - literally meaning making the dream a good one. Through this rite disturbing dreams can be transformed to give a positive interpretation by a rabbi or a rabbinic court.

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