יום ראשון, 30 בספטמבר 2012

Puzzles total reality

We are surrounded by many worlds - the seen and the unseen, inhabited by creatures with a different level of consciousness at different evolutionary stages. Coming into contact with some of them, people look upon them very individual, according his own vision and understanding of life.First gaining access to the worlds of Light, led by spiritual teacher, Ludmila gradually got experience in recognizing the reality. Matter how significant this experience may seem, it can only serve as benchmarks for going after - says Lyudmila."For more than twenty years, I'm going this way. I have friends - colleagues that I help, as best they could, to find themselves and to open the way to the light within. And all these years by my side my high Mentors. Of course, they worked with my mind, no longer. I became more independent, stronger. But I know they're always there, always ready to help me and to those who help me. I feel only a guide and assistant and student who is struggling to bring light and knowledge to pass on to others. To do that I have to work very hard on themselves. But, my God, I'm still small and imperfect, to be truly worthy of a guide ... "*****The most remarkable and significant event in my life happened to me in 1990 that fundamentally changed me and my outlook on life.I went through Samadhi. I think you should write about this in more detail, it's still a very unusual phenomenon. Especially the fact that after all this came.The fact is that up to this event, I did not touch the esoteric close, but always a lot of reading. More surprising is what happened to me.It all happened on the job, I had a separate room for decoration work, and I worked in it alone. I was about to go to dinner, got up, and I heard a voice ... It's easier I will call this phenomenon, although literally it is impossible to name just a voice. It was more of a very powerful and profound thought, which climbed from some boundless depths within me.I heard something like this:- Sit down. You want to get answers to questions about life and the person that you have always been interested?I stopped and said to myself, "Well, I started to go crazy." But the voice echoed in my mind:- Sit down. You can ask questions, the answers to which will be available to your understanding or feeling.I sat down and had no fear, however, came the joy. Had the feeling that my consciousness saturate some powerful flow of energy that is both inside and around me. The voice said:- Look and listen and you will open the heart of things. And with all of this you'll have to share with those who stand in the way of the Light.I began to ask questions about life and death, God and man, the meaning of life, and all received a response. Then they were my great revelations. Then it was said:- Now all the things you know you prochuvstvuesh.And in an instant my mind was endless. Infinity was inside of me and it was me, Infinity was beyond me and I was her. The world has become a living, thinking, he sparked colors, sounds, and was full of exultant joy comprehensive Life and Love. And no human words to describe all that I felt at that moment. Then the limits of my mind imploded, all curled up. I felt myself at some stuffy shallow, ie in his world.Then heard a voice:- Go in peace. You can continue to ask questions. We are next.I immediately asked, "Who are you?" The answer was, "You know." And I felt that I really, deep down inside I know, but I can not express it.In the year and a half of high-strength led the process of opening my mind, I knew that open knowledge that lies deep inside of me, and rightfully belongs to me many lives. Moreover, this process is very different from the methods of knowledge used by people. Usually we think logically, there is intuition. But that method was that I asked the question, it was a small piece of information with a question to which instantly plug in a host of other information blocks from many other levels. Reply formed instantly open in all his relationships, and I read the information that was available to my consciousness. We can only regret that I could be considered as negligible, because she felt a bottomless capacity of each information block. But what is revealed to me, it was priceless to me.I really learned a lot, and sometimes information was imaginative, colorful, sounding. I heard the music of the spheres. All the while reading any books containing such knowledge, it was the soft ban. It was explained that this was necessary in order to set up and save my order consciousness. Eighteen months later, when I started to read esoteric books, inside I already had a kind of tuning fork, which is clearly marked consonant or inconsonant me. The first book I read was the Bhagavad Gita, then Living Ethics books, books by HP Blavatsky. In all these books was a joyful recognition Knowledge that was my in many of my lives. To date, I've read a lot of esoteric books. To those that are listed and which became reference, add all books, diaries, letters Roerich "Facets of Agni Yoga" Abramov "Teaching Church", "Synthesis of Yoga" by Sri Aurobindo.*****Write about the worlds that I have seen, is incredibly difficult. Thin Worlds has a feature: they are multidimensional and colorful.When you come back to our three-dimensional, everything seems so flat and colorless, and there are no words to convey their impressions. But in general, many, in fact, similar to our world, but in the highest degree of beauty and harmony. I'll try to describe one of these worlds ...Dark blue-violet waves of the sea washed the white cliffs, framed deep emerald vegetation. Evening. Not far from the shore is a high hill, on which stands the Temple of Reason. It has no walls, only white, standing around, as if woven from light tower reaching into the sky the color of ultramarine.Light trails on a beautiful park, among the tall trees, slowly moving human figures dressed in white robes. They all go to the hill on which stands the temple, climb its slopes and stop, do not go inside. A lot of people, but no crowds, people are scattered on the slopes, each have their own space, you feel the solemnity. People stand in silence, words, prayers are not heard, but people create high thoughts of peace, of love.The space inside the temple surrounded by columns, begins to fill with brilliant light beam which flows into the sky, already full of large radiant stars. When the glow of the beam reaches a maximum, offering prayers ended. People as quiet and solemn, as they arrived, diverge.*****Now I will describe how I first heard the music of the spheres.First I saw a different color, and then they began to move, and each color was his sound. Darker tones are the sounds of low register, and the brighter the color, the higher the sound. All colors are sounded simultaneously, and at the same time it was possible to distinguish the sound of each individual color. Then began to mix colors, the sounds, too. Began to appear harmonious chords.Key to improve slowly move flowers inks rapidly. There are amazing complex beauty colors, tones and semitones, chords began to merge in the triumph of beautiful music. She totally was not like the usual music to our ears - no ringing, no sound repetitions, it was not the usual rhythm. It's been extremely harmonious sounds of chords that came with the increase. A combination of the ineffable.It all ended when the colors in the prompt movement became a shining light, and sounded the highest shining chord. Because the color and sound is unified.Then I have a long time to listen to regular music, it seemed to me some banging, drynkanem, obsessive pressed repeatedly.*****Frequent touch of subtle worlds can prolong our earthly world is beginning to lose its forms colors and sounds. So I try not to touch often subtle worlds.When they begin to unfold themselves, watching the inner vision, but there are not very eager. All the time.Earthly life itself is a great value, there are a lot of earthly beauty, and you should be able to appreciate and love it in all its forms.First impressions of the room in an overhead were very strong. It all started like this:One day at work, I suddenly felt that my eyes for no apparent reason, just closed, and I have them closed, his head in his hands on the desktop. At that moment, I felt a strong push, and I seemed emptied of close and narrow bag. I continued to hear everything that went on behind the door of my room, and felt his body, sitting at a table, but it was "empty": I was not in it. And I was in some kind of space without distance and without time, which was a lot of self-luminous objects. The glow from them was gentle, and look like they were on the light "donut" in the center of which there were some energy clusters. Differed from each other only by the intensity they shine. And since what I see, as a rule, immediately explained, I realized that these objects - consciousness as they are. Really wanted to see himself. And then he saw me - a glowing "donut" as the other. At that moment, I quickly walked to one of the objects - I again felt a sharp, but I push inward and found herself sitting at the table, it is vigorous.After some time, it was the same, but shakes the body jerks were gone, just some space again unfolded with luminous objects. This time there was more familiarity directly with these objects - consciousness. It all started with a touch of light clusters. First, everything in them somewhat vague, then there are colors, shapes, sounds and turns the interior space and time. Opens the whole world: a beautiful, harmonious, full of light and joy - the inexplicable. You feel and know that you feel in this world, you are very happy there. The people there are lovely. There were several such amazingly beautiful worlds in which I walked, feeling them in his own home, where you are always welcome and loved. This was congruent with my worlds of consciousness.Then there was a familiarity with other worlds, I do inconsonant. It was a strange worlds: without beauty, sometimes just absurd, illogical. Everything in them was like ragged, unfinished. Essentially, the filler, were, to say the ugly, ridiculously dressed, and their actions are meaningless. I explained that this is - absurd worlds, ie worlds of people whose consciousness is not developed, it is not organized, and they are not able to fill their worlds of harmony and beauty.Worlds bad consciousnesses or hell, I did not. In the future, I had to repeatedly deal with such minds, but I quickly went away from contact with them, it is hard and not safe.Now sometimes subtle worlds unfold before going to sleep, when the mind is still working well, but you have already renounced the vanities of the day. Then we can go to see a very beautiful landscapes, flowers, even though people in them now, I almost did not see, but I know that every time I'm in the small world of consciousness of a person.Sometimes there are attempts to unwanted intrusions, which have cut off. It is usually associated with those moments of life, when I was in some cases, there were not quite right. Of course, we are not talking about some serious violations, but to the mind enough and small scratches to disrupt its energy security. That is why the purity of affairs and of the mind is so important in your life, both here and in the subtle worlds.I once saw a very high world. I think it was the Fiery World, quite full of unusual colors. I had something to tell and show great, but I do not remember exactly, except that I've been there. And I remember that communication went through the color-light. It is impossible to explain. This world was very different from anything I've seen before or since.*****One of the first revelations that unfolded before my mind's eye one afternoon. It is for me a very expensive ...Wide panorama of the sky. On the right side at the bottom of swirling black, ominous clouds. Suddenly, out of the dark mass in my direction starts rapidly extend a kind hand, having at the end of wiggling tentacles instead of fingers. In the minds of sounds briefly: "Resist!" And I'm starting to strain internally, collecting himself in a hard point, which leads to the fact that towards the tentacles of me flying a small zipper. At that moment, I see from above, flying across the path of another lightning - bright and powerful, who is dating my feeble lightning just at the point where the turn out at this point tentacles. There was a blinding flash, which swept apart the tentacles, and the stump of a black hand quickly became drawn back into the dark mass of clouds, which in no time disappeared from the horizon.At the same time, right in front of me I saw another powerful cloud mass, but white, which could be seen the great white vaguely human figures in a smooth motion. I realized that that's where she flew a powerful lightning, which helped me to reflect a dark attack. Suddenly, out of the cloud array at me gently stretched human hand in a wide sleeve. When she turned around, I saw the palm of the lovely white flower. He was multilobe, like the lotus, but its petals are curved outwards from the center. And at them with shining center of the flower, to the tips of its petals, streaming live drop of energy. Flower was like woven of brilliant white light, and drops like tiny sparkling stars. Flower was alive. Again I heard a voice: "Get to the Heart of Flower." I reached out to him, and felt in my heart Living Fire, which was light, love, truth, knowledge, joy. He was an absolute being. And at the same time the vision disappeared. But the fire in my heart was ...And one more symbolic vision, is also one of the first.Night is dark, dense forest, full of fears and dangers to which I wander without seeing roads and paths. Suddenly the trees thinned out, and I go out to the edge of this terrible forest and see that the night ends and the dawn sky brightens rouge. I see myself as a child, dressed in a white shirt. And meet me (oh, joy!) Mother with open arms. Moment - and I'm in her arms. Mother with unspeakable love and tenderness and pulls me to her breast. I was extremely light and happy, and I realize that my wanderings over, now I'm under high protection.*****Probably talking about the subtle worlds, I must add that although they are similar to the earthly world, but the perception of them is completely different.With all that you see there, you come in touch consciousness, as if getting to the heart of things, and so what you see is seen more fully in volume. See everything at once inside and outside. Even the word "see" in this case is somewhat arbitrary, probably more suitable words to feel penetrate or even more accurately - identify.As an example, at a distance in front of you a spectacular cliff. Not necessarily her compass to look over all. Instantly you feel and see the insides of her image with all the cracks and moss, as if you touch them with his hand, feeling the warm roughness of the stone, its hidden strength, moisture and elasticity of the moss on the stone surface. Although the rock and remains at a distance, but your mind - to her and to her, with her image and her energy, it is identified with a rock, and then the image and essence of rock becomes part of your consciousness. So you know it.This applies to all, with what can be found in subtle worlds. Therefore identify it with unbearable ugliness hard. Do you need more protection or self conscious travelers should be very light and strong, the way to avoid complications. The easiest way to love beauty, and there's sure she'll meet.*****Visions are only a small part of the spiritual process to transform consciousness.Much more important were the direct high notes, when I went to direct high Instructions explaining what is happening with me and teaching me to help unlock the potential of my mind. This led me to realize their identity, which is manifested in a person through deep insight, and which can only be expressed by the words "I Am" ("I am"). That's when I felt the first time and realized what true immortality in Spirit.Many of the High Institutes I recorded.In the early years, I dabbled in the treatment of mental energy of their loved ones and friends, but very tired. And then I was told: "Treat people without their spiritual transformation, is the same as in the desert dunes move from place to place. Plant a Tree in the spiritual soul of man, fasten the sand and the desert becomes the Spiritual Garden. "Moreover, I believe that in order to have the right to treat a man, you must have all the same medical education. Therefore, from the time I'm doing exceptionally vegetation spirit, as in his soul and the souls of my companions. And this helped me my high Mentors.There are times when my mentor has to assist me not only spiritual, but also to fill, and even restore the mental and physical energy. Is always different. Sometimes it's just the currents that bring strength, sometimes come Energies carrying love or joy.*****The next record I did once, after all happened to me.After a very difficult time in my life, I was completely shattered and exhausted. I lay down to rest and just closed her eyes as she saw at once pulsing light cocoon. I felt like the light coming from the cocoon, attracts me, and find myself next to him. Cocoon begins to turn a bit of light petals, and with every turn there are cascades of light. When the cocoon spun enough, I saw in the center of bright golden ball of energy, from which I started to flow a thin but hard filament current. I felt the energy pumped into me - hot and golden. And is fully aware that the essence of a wonderful High gave me a part of their forces. This force was Grace.I went to a flood of grace, carrying the energy of love, joy, right in my heart. I am with all my being stretched to meet this life-giving stream. I understood and felt, much to my regret, that can not accommodate the full force of this grace. I absorb it, but it was transformed to me because of a lower order, because I am not yet a vessel worthy to carry the energy of High Grace in pure form in which it comes to the higher beings. Marvelous creature, sharing with me their strength, nourishing me energy, makes me stronger, to give high protection and support. My heart was filled with awe and infinite gratitude to Him.Then Light Cocoon began to lose brightness, he slowly faded and disappeared.But the force, gave them to me, I am left with, it is alive, warm, full of light and joy of life.*****It has already been said about the subtle worlds would like to add the following: many are reading travel in them, can give the impression of lightness and simplicity of their visit.But can it be only when we sleep every night visit in dreams fine worlds. It is quite another thing when it is in a completely clear "day" consciousness. Subtle new features associated with altered states of consciousness. Sometimes, if the wrong understanding and respect to states could end in failure. Ordinary human consciousness or set focus on the external world. Seeing, hearing in certain ranges of light and sound, thinks in his usual categories. And when his world suddenly ceases to be concluded in the usual framework of perceptions, all of it is quite difficult to take in mind, rethink and develop a new outlook. That's why it is so important to close was a conductor, teacher. Only he can actively help, at least at first, to bring people to the right path, to give him instructions on how to avoid getting lost in a new world opens up for him.For me, the familiar world of the earth after experiencing Samadhi, in no time, ceased to be the solid foundation and a place where I can always find the hidden corners where I no one will see or hear where I can do and think what I want. My world suddenly became clear decoration, firm ground under his feet was gone, and I was in a space with new features that are yet to be explored. Earthly world and Slim became my single entity, they share only my consciousness. Honestly, for a while it was very uncomfortable to live in a glass house. I can not imagine what would have happened to me if it were not for high aid includes, first of all, to set up consciousness, its ordering, explaining everything that happened to me, and, finally, to be protected. Subtle World, no less ground, is fraught with many dangers, there are many pitfalls, and it does not tolerate carelessness - especially with regard to consciousness, it is easy to lose yourself.Here is what was said to me then about the Subtle World:"Thin World - as a mirror room. This world, whose subtle matter reflects like a mirror, the status of each of consciousness. And the beauty and ugliness. Everyone gets their own world as an accurate reflection of the essence of his being. And if we add the ability to mirror reflection, one can imagine a multiple of Beauty and Harmony, and the horror of diverse malformations. Beauty creates harmony in you, then will attain her and around him. "*****For some time I began to feel the world as a kind of energy-integrated structure.Fortunately, I'm not a mind reader, but I feel that is a particular person. This feeling for the vibration level. They can not hide nor for any external mask, they "Radiation at" even a cursory look at the person. Just like people, I feel, and the state space as a whole. And it is, unfortunately, more and more often unbearably heavy, oppressive, sometimes suffocating. Today, many people feel sometimes inexplicable, oppressive heaviness. So pressing chaotic space. It is important in these times to maintain proper balance and seek through prayer for help.We all know that prayer should come from the heart - then it will be effective. But how difficult it is sometimes to cause a desired mood and find the right words! Here, then, can help the already well-read prayers being committed by many people for many centuries. They function as a certain energy portal where we can connect and its treatment.Long prayer requires quite some concentration. If it works, great. But time is very fast and requires one to fast reactions. So I repeatedly gave a brief but very effective prayer, tested many times in different situations - and me and those who used them. Usually prayers were given immediately after morning awakening. Here are some of them that are particularly dear to me:"Only faith, and thy power I will go, Lord.""With courage and faith in the arm leading.""Blessed are the stand under protection."Once, when I began to read the prayer "Our Father", she suddenly began to take shape in a short but succinct form without losing its essence:"Our Father, Who art in Heaven, Jehovah endure in us, now and forever. Amen. "And while I did not memorize it that way, I could not re-read the entire prayer completely. Thus, provided a short form of the ancient prayers.*****As changed my mind and changed my dreams. Since I can remember, they were always bright, colorful, and I was very surprised when I found out one day that it happens not all.I remembered all my dreams in detail, although often they are of several chaotic. But gradually, their structure changed, dreams are ordered. Over time, they increasingly began to resemble a parallel life. Thus continued my studies in a dream, through actions in the images were given to different concepts and instructions. I often wake up with whole phrases and concepts that are placed on sheets prepared ahead of time:"Everyone has to go through to Calvary and crucifixion, before it begins its resurrection.""Peace - Will an organized thought.""Man - a unit of time.""The macrocosm of the universe - it is turned inside the wrong side of the Microcosm of Man." (In the dream, for this concept has been given the image of the hand that is in the bag. Hand - this is mind, is inside the microcosm, that is, within himself. Then hand-consciousness grabs the bag and turns it, and what was the outside becomes internal, and vice versa).Once in a dream I had the opportunity to merge with the elemental forces of wind and water. I had a dream of a stormy sea, on which I first rushed fierce wind, and then raged at least raging waves.No words unlimited freedom of the elements of wind and water, they are an expression of unlimited powers they are. But the man of the future is to become master of all the forces of nature. Such was the conclusion of the dream.There was a wonderful dream when I saw Helen and Nicholas Roerich. I saw myself in the great hall, lined with tall shelves of books. This was the library, where I came for knowledge. In that moment I was standing near the marble stands for lending books, I saw them. They were in long white robes and with a friendly smile, looking at me. Not a word was said, but I woke up with a reciprocal smile.For many years, many of my dreams have some information and they can be called prophetic. All that needs to happen in real life, be sure to set in dreams - in images and symbols, and often helps to understand and appreciate what is being shaped as an event. Moreover, it conveys valuable information through color: If the color is dark, then the coming events will be sad or difficult, if light - hence the joy lies ahead. Sometimes dreams are just something to help better understand. Strictly speaking, these dreams are a lot of people, the only thing that does not allow them to deal sensibly in these dreams, this lack of organization of his own consciousness.*****Below I will give two of their recordings made immediately after the High Communication, when the mind still had enough energy immersed in the High Master.The first entry refers to the 1992.LESSON ABOUT HEART"In the process of creation of the universe the Supreme Reason, as the absolute energy, differentiated by levels, creating a system of Universal Mind, giving a total capacity of a single Creator.It is, first of all, concerns such as the principle of his mind, which is at the basis of any unit of consciousness in its various degrees.His second principle - the spiritual, and differentiation can not be at the heart of systems like the World Spirit, the power is expressed through love and the desire for unity and the final merger.The spark of the World Spirit, or rather its momentum, there is a non-allocated from the first principles of the state in the heart of every person, every earthly being.Human consciousness is individualized through his mind, but in his spirit, his life-giving impulses, a man is a unit with the System.Man's mind can not comprehend the power of the Universal Mind, but the human heart can and must comprehend universal heart, which is love and goodness.The heart of man is able to accumulate spiritual power to increase its power and beat in unison with the universal rhythm.Harmony in man is the unity of the mind with the heart, giving a unity of soul and spirit of man. The heart should be seeing, and then the man through it opens the beauty and harmony of the world.Energy systems - the substance of the Supreme Mind, Spirituality - His Supreme Being.Touching the heart of this essence will be union with God in His personal aspect, ie in the human heart.And there is no feeling in the world is equal in beauty and strength of this union. But the path to it is through the human heart, which is love and compassion, patience and courage and the desire to feel a God and His desire to acquire. "

The second entry was made much later.LESSON ABOUT TRUST"Counsel of confidence. Faith and trust the same root. The trust is based on faith. Believe heart, hence the basis of trust must lie heart energy.That heart must determine the strength and depth of trust. In fact, where there is any doubt, the trust does not live. Where there is no trust, there will be no cooperation, no leadership, and the teacher can not teach anything not trust him apprentice.Do not go unexplored roads without confidence in the conductor, and the conductor is necessary, otherwise you can endlessly wander in the darkness and the fog of ignorance.The heart should be able to trust, but also the heart and should be able to ochuvstvovat - to whom and how. Trust - is a powerful force. You can not thoughtlessly squander the treasure of the heart. A lot of lies and betrayal in this world, but his heart, intelligent heart, do not be deceived.Listen to your heart and grow in him a beautiful flower of trust and love to someone who will lead you to the light, creativity and knowledge. "You probably noted several different style of these records. The fact that I have more than one mentor. High Teachers now do not lead students - all of them now, as head of the Evolution of the Earth, are involved in the global evolutionary processes, the time required haste. As it was explained to me, now new energy provide new opportunities for the development of consciousness, to a greater or lesser degree, ready for new evolutionary transformations. Aides High Teachers who are part of the Higher Cosmic Forces, fulfilling the will of the Supreme Leader, working with the human mind, to help them adapt new fiery energy. That's why there are so many all kinds of subtle manifestations in humans, but the extent to which the mind and the beauty of these manifestations will depend on the capacity of the human mind.*****Anyone, even in daily life, you need control over your thoughts and feelings, which, in essence, is the control of consciousness.The more such control is extremely necessary when a person touches thin and fiery energies of very high energy potential. The randomness of thoughts and feelings is not valid for the entire future of human evolution.Disciplining consciousness process polysyllabic. Without wanting people to change themselves for the better do anything at all difficult. Unless one is to dorastet to become conscious worker evolution, nature itself slowly wears away, like water stone, from life to life, the consciousness of everyone. But once there comes a time when a person begins to see an officer and becomes conscious evolution and it began a new era - the spiritual evolution of consciousness.Napityvanie Knowledge consciousness, purification and sequencing of thoughts, feelings, and education emotional control - a lengthy process. It unfolds itself in the very process of life. New energies coming in our time on Earth, activate these processes and help tune the consciousness of those who are potentially ready for further evolution and conscious cooperation with it.And, of course, on this difficult path need a mentor. When the student is ready, the teacher comes to him.As for me, I had to assimilate science discipline consciousness externally. If I had not gone through the ordering of consciousness, unable to receive further training and higher instruction from my mentors.This process is as follows: my mind was put at Ray, created a special atmosphere pumped energy, consciousness imbues strength and began training to work with the energies of mind and emotions. At such times, extremely easy to breathe, it seemed that even the air around me as if rang and was saturated with ozone and every cell of the body was filled with the joy of life.Usually I find myself in a sort of interior space, where it was very empty and the only feeling was a sense of a "me." Then in my side of the space starts to fly different capacities of thought - I do not know why, but I saw them in the form of triangular pyramids, which, tumbling, flying at me. I had to learn to recognize the potential of these little pieces of information and respond to it: a positive (good, right thoughts and feelings) take the negative (all negative) cut on the distant approaches to consciousness. If I could not do everything on time and correctly, I received a package from a negative energy attack. It was not painful, but very uncomfortable.During the training needed went explanation of everything that happened with my mind, and consciousness itself was very clear and worked particularly well. Therefore, training in such things tend to be successful, difficulties began when I was left alone with his thoughts. Sometimes had to be to itself very severe. Discipline is discipline, and after a while I felt that was radically changed my mind. Gone chaotic thoughts and feelings. Few guests were uninvited thoughts, he changed pattern of thought. Instead of swirling eddies of the river, I was calm and gently flowing water of the broad river. Of course, this work with my mind has not ended, it continues to this day, because of limits in the development of consciousness there, but now I do it independently.*****The very process of the development of consciousness is always cyclical, there are times when the mind is gathering potential, and then there comes a time when it seemed silent.At first it caused me some concern, but then it became clear that a person needs these periods of learning, when all that is actively recruited, should be assimilated to the inner levels of consciousness, and then tested them in the process of life.Orderliness own consciousness helps to feel a state of mind of other people. Still, when faced with a negative potential in the other person feel the uncomfortable feeling that I previously described as a power punch. Thus, the potential difference is manifested consciousness.Among other things, I learned to better understand itself and, therefore, other people. I was taught:LESSON I. THE CONSTRUCTION OF LIFE"There should not be admitted to consciousness dark and depressing thoughts. Idea to build a life. What can build a dark, heavy and bleak thought?It has no wings to take to the world above ground, full of beauty and joy of life to be filled with them. It is unacceptable to indulge in serious doubt and memories.No place in the mind of fear. Fear is born of a lack of faith. Belief in a Higher Power and its own wings will help to rise above their adversities and of itself.Never abandoned, even when not see, hear or feel.Go wrong, even knowing how difficult and dangerous way, without fear, with confidence, and that does not seem very heavy task. In looking to the future, all the attention at the moment, on the step that you make. Believe me, the path of the many steps and how each will be made, depends on the way in general. All attention should be focused in every moment at every step of the way, and so, step by step, will overpower the Way. "LESSON II. THE CONSTRUCTION OF LIFE"Strength is born aspiration, which opens spatial wire. Overcome all the enlightened mind and understanding heart, their union gives strength of purpose.Must be an active part in all that surrounds us, is his life. Fire heart will chuvstvoznanie, high intelligence - understanding of life.The heart and mind must constantly work. They have no fatigue, if you are working for the good of mankind. Harmonious community of heart and mind and creates a beautiful energy attracts like from space. As a powerful dynamo may be a person in the space, it will be directed to the creative energy, if he calls them consciously, perfecting himself.Do not wait for the good, and most work, not to hoard treasure, and return - in the joy of creativity and sense of human evolution of consciousness.You can not be passive, open the soul to joy, and she immediately revealed.The late Joy and wide to accommodate it, the same should be the soul. Strive for Joy! In Joy Beauty of Life. Living Force will join in the joy of the soul, the living water will wash the wound and take with him to eternal life, which is the joy and beauty and light and goodness, and infinite Vsevozrozhdayuschaya LOVE.Take Joy, is the Power of the Mother of the World, the life-giving, it will nourish your soul and then be able to experience the beauty of life even in the germ, awaken to Being in the mud. "Recording made by November 28, 1995:Instruction on important milestones ERA"1996 - a special term, evolutionary. From this time will depend on the further course of human evolution.This term is defined consciousness, suitable for further evolution. Now everyone will be given as a ray of light or beacon, which he can soorentirovatsya, each left a streak of light in the hopeless darkness of catastrophe, and the passions of life. Only the narrow path you can go to the light, and there is no time to dodge stray in the dark. Too great a danger from lurking in the dark.Let everyone in whom the heart is alive and awake mind struggles to find a light-bearing thread, extended to him from above. Let this whole soul seize on this living Ariadne's thread in the labyrinth of Armageddon, because only it can bring to the light and keep the darkness. Let the heart of trust be familiar union of the soul with heaven. Go in peace! "Record of 25 October 1996:Instructions on working with consciousness of humanity in the New Time"Features of the time required to work with the minds of people new techniques.One of the most significant is to conditionally ready consciousness cast currents of high energy, which will conduct most of the work for the transformation of consciousness. Converts currents - a new energy in the Earth's evolution, it is the energy, opening a new era in the development of human consciousness. The rays of the World Mother - as they were called.Before working with the minds demanded constant attention, elected student should be under the direct current energy teacher. Now - a new era. Many shareware ready to evolutionary unfolding of consciousness, under the rays of the Great Mother, can start the process of active development.The leaders of the evolution of consciousness of humanity to help set up an appointment with the High Energy Currents and control the process to the extent that at the highest amateur human consciousness can provide oversees aid in the most difficult moments of the process of the development of consciousness in general.The person to whom the trust of the High Co, should be imbued with recognizing the importance for evolution. From a man waiting for not just obedient discipleship and trustful cooperation. The human mind - this field of evolution today, and if this field is ripe rich harvest, the beauty of the spiritual transformation of the Earth will affect the World. "*****Recording made by November 28, 1995:On the night of December 10, 2009. had a very succinct and grand feeling - knowing impersonal aspect of the Absolute.First, there was the image - a picture of the cosmos, then all gathered in a narrow beam of light, and this beam was me. At the same time I began to develop something infinite and comprehensive, without name and form, it was everything and what can be called a principle, impersonal. Came the thought that we are one, all that is in the Absolute, there is in me. That I, as the Absolute, day and night, man and woman, life and death, childhood and old age, I - the atom and the Sun. I - the universe.However, I felt very good and kind of their separateness from the Absolute to the background of total union with him. The understanding that I should be good to remember this duality, because it provides for the fundamental unity, feeling his individual Ya I got the idea, why is this separation, I just merged with the Absolute, and I can just melt into him. The response was amazing, "Without you I'll not complete."So I realized, very profound, that there is One in the Many. And the fact that I am eternal and exist from all eternity, and I have always been and will I, as an individual in the bosom of the Absolute.
Lyudmila Utkin

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